Braxton Citizens' News, Community, Town Meeting

Commission holds first session of new year

The Braxton County Commission conducted their first meeting of the new year last Friday, January 3, 2025. The first order of business was to reaffirm the election of the Commission President which was initiated at the December 20th meeting. Action needed to be taken to prevent a lapse in service between the end of the year and the Commission’s first meeting. Larry Clifton re-introduced the action that he initiated at the December meeting that Lisa Godwin remain as president of the Commission. That action was seconded by Brent Boggs who was participating in his first official meeting after being elected to the position in November. He replaced Melvin Gum who chose not to seek reelection.

Tiffany Prior, EMS Director was first to address the Commission. She requested, by phone as she did not attend the meeting, that the status Roman Swager’s employment with her agency be changed from full-time to part-time. Prior also requested that Swager’s pay remain the same, but he would no longer received county benefits. That request was approved. Other EMS related items on the agenda (ambulance equipment, personnel matter, and possible financial assistance for January, 2025, if necesary) were tabled due to Prior’s physical absence.

Tyler Long, 9-1-1 Director, presented the Commission with his agency’s monthly activity report for December. Long stated that Braxton Control had handled a total 2,504 phone calls during the period resulting in 867 CAD entries. Of that number, 486 were for county law enforcement agencies. Of those calls, 257 were for the State Police, 205 for the Sherff’s office, 3 for Sutton PD, 1 for Gassaway PD, 6 for Burnsville, 2 for Flatwoods and 12 for animal control; 114 for the county’s fire departments: 27 for Sutton, 18 for Frametown, 17 for Gassaway, 16 for Burnsville, 14 for Servia and 1 for Chapel; and 255 for the EMS agencies.

Newly elected Sheriff Eddie Williams was also officially particpating in his first meeting after taking office. He came before the Commission to request that Chelesa Jones be transferred from the Law Enforcement Secretary position to Tax Office Deputy. He also requested permission to hire a part-time male to work with the drug testing center. Both requests were granted via separate motions.

In other action, the probate appointments for the month of December were approved as presented by the fiduciary supervisor.

A single purchase order came before the Commission for consideration. Barker Construction will put ice guards on the new metal roof at the Sheriff’s Deputies building at a cost of $795.00.

The Commission approved several procedural actions due to the beginning of a new year. They included appointment of the commissioners to serve on various local boards in the county; the dates and times for regular commission meetings (which remain the 1st and 3rd Fridays of each month.) the holiday schedule for the coming year; the time sheet/pay day schedule; and the Board of Equalization schedule.

The Commission approved a contract with Global Science and Technology Inc. to provide courthouse network support for a fixed rate of $1,202 per month.

The Commission approved using the county P-card to reserve rooms at the Embassy Suites for the West Virginia Association of Counties conference on March 2-4 at a cost of $139 per night.

Larry Clifton made a motion to approve a quote from Global Science & Technology Inc. for renewal of the Sonic Wall license for internet security for 3 years at a total cost of $2,900.40.

Following a brief discussion, the Commission set February 21 at 10:00 a.m. for a hearing on a motion to remove the administrator of the Donna J. Brown estate.

The Commission reviewed a request and approved the appointment of Randy Conrad to the Braxton County Board of Health.

Separate motions approved the bills and minutes of Commission meetings submitted by County Clerk Sue Rutherford as well as the EMS bills for payment.

Being no further action to consider the meeting adjourned at 9:22 a.m. The next regular meeting of the County Commission will be on January 17 beginning at 9:00 a.m.