Braxton Citizens' News, Government

Jasmine Morton takes oath to become Braxton County’s first female Circuit Judge

Last Friday marked a new era in Braxton County history as Jamine Morton Mohr took the oath of office to become the first female to hold the office of Circuit Judge.

On Friday, Jasmine Morton was sworn in as judge in the 17th Circuit, representing Braxton, Clay, Gilmer and Webster counties. Retiring Judge Jack Alsop administered the oath to Judge Morton who had previously served as the prosecuting attorney for Braxton County. Judge Alsop’s participation was fitting since now Judge Morton clerked under him when she first completed law school.

The new judge told a local television station, “I hope that I can fulfill this position in the way the people want me to and for the reasons they voted me in. I am a strong proponent of the treatment court, the family treatment court and drug treatment court. We don’t have any of those in the four counties that I will be serving. We are four of nine counties that do not have any treatment courts in the state of West Virginia, so I look forward to trying to implement those programs,” Morton said.

Judge Morton was also administered the oath of office in Webster County on Friday. On Monday Morton traveled to Gilmer County to be sworn in there. It was a special occasion for the new Judge since her mother administered the oath. Later in the day, Judge Mike Asbury administered the oath of office to Judge Morton in Clay County.

The new Judge officially begins her duties on January 1st.