Braxton Citizens' News, Opinion

Dear Santa,

Hi Santa! It’s me MyKenna Wine. I’m the youngest member of the Given clan. I will soon be 5 months old. I’m taking over the family so I thought I might as well write you a letter for the Given grandchildren and now great grandchildren with the addition of me and my big brother, Memphis.

I’ve been around long enough to figure out that this bunch needs lots of help, so I thought I better get an early start. Writing you this letter is also a good begining for  my journalistic career. I guess I’m going to have to grow up and take over the paper. None of the rest of the family seem interested and Poppie isn’t getting any younger you know.

My Mommy and Daddy are just about perfect. I will say that I really don’t like them working. They should just stay home and hold me. Can you work on that Santa?

Brother Memphis is really excited about Christmas. He wants to open every present he sees. He is a bit noisy when Poppie and I are trying to nap. Maybe you could bring us some ear plugs?

My Nana spoils me when I stay with her… I like it. She tells me I’m the most “beautiful thing in the world” but she tells my cousins that too, so I’m not sure I can believe everything she says. But since she lets me do anything I want, plus holds me almost all the time I’m with her, I’m going to keep her around.

My aunts and uncles are really good to me. But don’t tell on Uncle Jamie for trying to sneak me food that my Mommy says I can’t have.

My cousins, from the biggest Maddie to little Katheryn, really like to entertain me and I must say I like it too. They are all really good to me, so I hope you bring them nice things for Christmas.

Santa, I have noticed that my Grand (Krystal) and Aunt Allie are hard on cars. At least that’s what I heard Poppie say. So maybe you could bring each of them rubber bumpers or a really big roll of bubble wrap.

It is fun being with a big family like ours during the holidays and I’m looking forward to more family gatherings as we wait for your arrival.

Santa, being at the North Pole means you are closer to heaven, doesn’t it? If you could give God a big thank you from me for giving me the Given family, I would appreciate it. I hear most everyone here saying how lucky they are to have me, so I want him to know how thankful we all are for such a loving family! Merry Christmas Santa. We’ll leave milk and cookies on the counter and hope Hank can’t find them….. Love MyKenna