Schools, The Braxton Democrat

Board of Ed Finalizes Purchase of Property for New Athletic Complex

Before the last Braxton County Board of Education meeting of the calendar year, the board had a special visit from Santa Claus, exchanged gifts, and had refreshments to celebrate the holiday season.
The meeting opened with final action for the recent property purchase. Corey Bonasso with Bowles Rice of Charleston spoke briefly to the board explaining the execution of the bond purchase agreement, lease agreement, property sales agreement and the issuance of lease revenue bonds by the Braxton County Building Commission before them for approval. The approval is the final step in the purchase of the property. The building commission will be issuing the bonds to purchase the property and the school system will lease at matching costs to the payments of the purchase. At the end of the lease, the property will be transferred to the Board of Education. The request was approved on a motion by Kevin Gregory.
Superintendent Dr. Donna Burge-Tetrick stated she was so excited to see the property purchase move forward and the opportunities it will bring for the students.
Two individuals had requested to speak to the board concerning behavioral issues. The board went into executive session at 6:14 pm to talk with these individuals. The reconvened at 7:07 pm.
In regular business, the following consent agenda items were approved by the board on motion by Larry Hardway: minutes of the December 3 regular meeting and payment of bills.
On a motion by Dr. Kenna Seal, the board approved the following personnel recommendations: resignation of Stacy Butler, fourth grade teacher, Sutton, Michelle Johnson, aide/ECCAT, Sutton, and Jason Knight, baseball coach, BCHS; employment of Trevor Goff, welding instructor, BCHS, Jamie Ramsbottom, special education/gifted teacher, Sutton, substitute aides-Jessica Welch, Tiffany Burroughs, and Mary Jenkins, substitute secretaries-Allison Given-Nettles, Misty Williams, and Carrie Harper, Tina Johnson, assistant softball coach, BCMS, and Jami Hefner, new teacher mentor; and permission to post and hire, one special education assistant teacher/aide, Flatwoods.
The board approved the first reading of Proposed Revision to Policy 4114-Resident and Non-Resident Student Transfers on action led by Dr. Kenna Seal. The revisions to the policy will bring it into compliance with state code.
The second reading of Proposed Revision to Policy 2326-Virtual School Policy was approved on a motion by Kevin Gregory. No comments had been made on the policy at this time.
Larry Hardway made the motion to approve for Dr. Burge-Tetrick to sign the Odysseyware renewal contract for the 2024-2025 school year. This is the company that provides virtual school services to the students.
The board also approved the request to adopt and sign a resolution to stabilize PEIA Insurance for public employees on a motion by Kevin Gregory. The resolution is part of a multi-county initiative that will be presented to the governor and the state legislature.
Board members ended the meeting wishing everyone a Merry Christmas and discussing the excitement about the land purchase. They also thanked those that provided the snacks before the meeting as well as BCHS Principal Lori Stover-Williams and Santa Claus, aka Assistant Principal John McElwain, for helping out before the meeting.
The meeting was adjourned at 7:22 pm. The next regular meeting will be January 7 at 6:00 pm. As always, members of the Braxton County community are encouraged to attend regular board meetings. Any parent or concerned community member wishing to speak as a delegate or with public concerns may do so by signing in up to 15 minutes prior to the start of the meeting.