The Braxton Democrat, Town Meeting

Sheriff Elect Williams Discusses Budget With Commission

Eddie Williams, who will be taking over as Braxton County Sheriff on January 1, addressed his concerns pertaining to the Sheriff’s Department budget at last Friday’s County Commission meeting.
Williams, who will begin his 3rd term as Sheriff in 2025, told the Commissioners that his examination of the department’s budget showed that 4 or 5 line items were below the 50% of budget as required by state law. Commission President Lisa Godwin told Williams that they were aware of the deficiencies and would be working with the County Clerk to make budget revisions by the next meeting.
The new Sheriff told the Commission that he had recently attended the training for newly elected officials presented by the WV Association of Counties and had found it very informative. He also said that he had made arrangements to have a Sheriff’s Department Calendar in 2025.
First to address the Commission was Marie Lockard of Braxton County Testing Center. She provided activity reports for her agency for the months of October and November.
Tiffany Prior, EMS Director, requested that the employment status of Amanada Gum be changed from EMS Driver to EMT/Driver and that her pay be raised to $15.50 per hour to reflect the additional training. Prior requested that the pay increase be retroactive to November 26th. The request was approved.
Prior also reviewed, with the Commission, a letter requesting assistance in meeting the ambulance service’s expenses if needed during the month of December. That request was also approved.
Tyler Long, 9-1-1 Director, told the commission that his agency’s activity report would be forthcoming in that other obligations had prevented him from completing it for the meeting.
Deputy Luke Johnson appeared before the Commission to answer questions regarding a request to put winter tires on two 4-wheel drive police vehicles. Following a brief review, the Commission voted to accept the low bid from Mid-State Chevrolet in the amount of $2,024.49 for the 8 tires.
In other action, the Commission approved the probate appointments for the month of November as presented by the Fiduciary Supervisor.
One correction of erroneous assessment was approved for Barbara Fae Frame.
A request for consolidation of contiguous tracts of land for tax purposes was approved for Jacqueline A and George P. Barlock.
By separate motions, the Commission approved the resignation of Megan Esker as a Deputy in the Sheriff’s Tax Office and agreed to allow the vacancy to be advertised.
The Commission reviewed and accepted a letter of resignation from Argyle G. Davis from the BC Solid Waste Authority. Davis’s letter citied what he termed a “lack of transparency” by the organization in reference to financial matters as the reason for leaving his post.
The Commission approved a copy of a will from Barbara J. Anson be used for probate as the original will had been misplaced.
Following a brief discussion, the Commission set February 7 at 10:00 a.m. as the date and time for a hearing of objections in the estate of James Lee Wine.
The final activities of the meeting were the approval of the County and EMS bills as well as approval of the minutes of the Commission’s November 15 regular meeting and November 22 Special Meeting. Both issues received the unanimous support of the Commission.
The meeting adjourned at 9:14 a.m. The next regular meeting of the Braxton County Commission will be on December 20 beginning at 9:00 a.m.