Braxton Citizens' News, Opinion

Thanksgiving and more…

The Thanksgiving holiday was a bright spot in my life. Of course, there was the abundance of good food which I am still suffering from. Two of Jeanine’s sisters were home for a visit. It was nice to see and visit with them. Maddie came home from North Carolina where she now lives and works. It was great to see her.

For the most part, all of our family was present during the extended celebration. The exception was Jamie and his family who had to cancel at the last minute due his wife Ashley being under the weather. We missed them… I probably ate their share.

We celebrated Kathryn’s birthday since everyone was going to be there, even though her big day was a week earlier. She, her siblings, cousins and friend really liked the cake that I purchased through the Sutton Moose Lodge’s online benefit auction. Linda Woodall of Nicholas County was the baker, and she did a fantastic job. Not only did the appearance wow the children, it was a cow’s head complete with horns, but it tasted good too.

The other advantage of the holiday was that I thoroughly enjoyed the time away from the office. I found time to winterize the boats, thanks to Jamie and Doug. It was more out of necessity than choice, considering the sub-freezing temperatures we have experienced the past few days. I should have done it sooner considering we had to leave the lake six weeks early. The weather has been great up until this past weekend, but as you would imagine, we waited till the snow was flying and old man winter was back to get the job done. I also managed a couple of chores in my garage, though I admit that the bulk of my time was spent in my easy chair.

I watched that miserable WVU ball game. It’s no wonder the University fired Neal Brown. Unfortunately, he just didn’t get the job done. However, he was head and shoulders above Holgerson, as far as I’m concerned. He obviously liked West Virginia which is more that you can say for his predecessor. He also represented the school and our state in a very respectable fashion, Again, more that I can say for the man he replaced. I wish Neal Brown well in his future endeavors. He is a stellar human being and a good football coach. It’s a shame he was not the right fit for the Mountaineer program.

On Sunday I watched the Steelers game. A much better outcome.

With Thanksgiving in the rear-view mirror, we can now focus on Christmas. And just so you don’t procrastinate, like I did with the boat winterization, Thanksgiving came late this year and there are five days less between the holidays than normal. No time to waste, Saint Nick will be at your door before you know it!