Braxton Citizens' News, Opinion

Kentucky voters smarter than West Virginia Legislators…

Of course, the recent Primary Election is still a hot topic of discussion as it probably will be for months to come.

I followed the election closely, but I also watched a constitutional amendment on the ballot in Kentucky. Amendment 2 allowed the voters to choose if the state would use a voucher program (same basic concept as the Hope Scholarship in our State) to allow students to attend private schools.

At least Kentucky decided to allow the voters to make the decision, opposed to WV’s Republican leadership knowing what is “best” for the citizens of our state.  Kentucky voters are definitely smarter than WV Legislators. They overwhelmingly defeated the issue by nearly a two to one majority. They realized that supporting private schools and encouraging parents to take their children out of mainstream education, by offering them money, was not a positive move.

Education has long suffered financially, and this move has already proved devastating in our state. Consolidation is not a popular issue. It often divides community and their leaders. However, when you further drain coffers by encouraging home schooling and private school, you accelerate the closure of elementary and smaller schools. This is particularly true in rural areas. Just last week there were public hearings and school closings in Cabell and Kanawha counties. The public hearings were required but proved to be a sham. The Boards of Education simply had no choice, since the funding is not available to support and maintain the schools. Make no mistake… this is going to continue, and it will make its way to Braxton County, its just a matter of time.

I feel such changes also contribute to an already difficult task of getting excess levy passed. I read that at last one levy that was on the ballot in our state failed. Now the local board of education is left scrambling to try and figure out how to balance their budget.

Most recently the Legislature doubled down on their support of these private businesses by giving them more money for physical facilities. This too will have adverse effects on a school system infrastructure that has vast needs.

I feel sure that if our legislators would let the voters decide, it would have been the same result as Kentucky. Our citizens know the importance of education, apparently better than the those they elected to represent them. They see how taking money from the system will adversely contribute to the future of our children and grandchildren.

Our legislators adamantly opposes any type of accountability for private and home-schooled taxpayer dollars spent. Seems like a double standard .

Unfortunately, our newly elected governor thinks the Hope Scholarship and no accountability are great things and it appears he is prepared to advance them when he takes office.

So maybe the one thing that we can take from this election is that Kentucky voters are smarter than WV Legislators., It is also apparent that the Governor, Senators and Delegates don’t see it the same way I do.