Community, The Braxton Democrat

“Christmas from the Heart” Program Applications Available

Christmas from the Heart is a local program sponsored through the Braxton Community Coalition and staffed by volunteers from various churches and groups who desire to help meet the needs of children and the elderly during the Christmas holiday. This program is available for children or the elderly who would not otherwise have a Christmas. Therefore, anyone who will receive contributions from another organization or are able to purchase gifts will not qualify for this particular program.
Any individual, church or organization that would like to volunteer or would consider sponsoring a child or elderly individual should contact Amanda Criner at the Braxton Community Coalition (304) 644-2828 or send us a message through Facebook.
Those wishing to make a financial donation, or sponsorship should make checks payable to Braxton Community Coalition (indicate Christmas from the Heart Sponsor) and mail to PO Box 76, Flatwoods, WV 26621.
Applications will be accepted October 17, from 9:00 am to 5:00 pm and October 18, 9:00 am to 12:00 pm at the Flatwoods Community Building.
Program guidelines include: -Children must live in Braxton County and be no older than a 12th grader enrolled in Braxton County Schools or Home Schooled.
-A parent/legal guardian/foster care parent is required to fill out applications for children.
-Elderly must be 65 or older and live in Braxton County.