A busy session of the Braxton County Commission last Friday, ended with the hiring of a new permanent E-9-1-1 Director. Commission President Lisa Godwin moved the item of possibly hiring a new director for the 9-1-1 system to the bottom of the agenda noting that the Commission would meet in executive session to make a decision regarding the final applicants that had been interviewed.
That special session was called at 9:57 a.m. on a motion by Larry Clifton. At 10:03 a.m. the regular meeting reconvened with Clifton making a motion to hire Tyler Long to fill the vacant position. That action received the unanimous support of the Commission. Long will be paid $48,000 per year and serve a 90 probationary period. He will be evaluated at the end of the probationary period for a possible pay raise.
When the meeting was called to order at 9:00 a.m., Tiffany Prior, EMS Director was first to address the Commission. Prior reviewed her agency’s monthly activity report for September with the Commissioners before requesting that she be allowed to employ Jonathan Wilson as a part-time EMT-A. The new employee will be paid $17 per hour with no county benefits and serve a 90-day probationary period. That request was approved.
Prior also requested that the Commission again advance the EMS funding for payroll, if needed, due to the late arrival of revenue for the agency. That request was also granted.
Dale Hall, Interim OES Director, provided the Commission his agency’s monthly activity report for September. Hall also said that final paperwork for the Emergency Managers Performance Grants for 2021 and 2022 had been submitted for a total of $52,485.43 which helps pay for the OES Director’s position.
Hall also discussed drought conditions in Braxton County during his presentation.
Commission President Lisa Godwin told the audience and her fellow Commissioners that she and Hall had been notified that the Department of Justice had approved both the Communication and COPS grants for the County.
Deputies Luke Johnson and Levi Cochran came before the Commission to discuss the acquisition of a K-9 for the county. Deputy Cochran reassured the Commission that he was moving to Braxton County and intended to remain in the area. Cochran has been identified as the handler for the K-9, if one is approved.
Sgt. Johnson reviewed an itemized list of costs for the dog which exceeded $33,000 plus the reoccurring cost of additional insurance and feeding the dog. The Deputy said the handler would have to be in training with the dog for a minimum of 6 weeks.
There was some discussion about what the dog would do once trained. Commission Larry Clifton said that his research indicated that the animal should just deal with drug interdiction. The Deputies stated that they wanted to get a multi-discipline dog that would not only curtail drugs but serve as protection and perform tracking duties when needed.
At the conclusion of the lengthy discussion, President Godwin suggested that the matter be continued in a work session when more details would be available.
In other action, the Commission approved the probate appointments for the month of September as presented by the Fiduciary Supervisor.
A single motion approved two corrections of erroneous assessments for Ryan Swecker and Walter Estep.
Two purchase orders came before the Commission for consideration. Both were approved. The Sheriff’s Department will purchase ammunition from Luckygunner.com in the amount of $641.49. The County Clerk will purchase 12 – 4’X6’ rubber mats from Tractor supply to meet ADA requirements in voting precincts. The mats cost $683.33.
The Commission reviewed and approved a request for the Sutton Community Development Corp/ONTRAC use the Courthouse grounds for the Sutton Fall Festival to be held the following day, October 5.
A motion by Larry Clifton approved a request from the Burnsville Part and Recreations Board to appoint Deanna Stewart as a member of the that organization.
The Commission approved a request from Jennifer Lynn Mollahan to participate in the Employees’ Sick Leave Bank.
As in the past, the Commission approved paying one half of the costs for basic screening for county employees at the upcoming Rotary Fall Blood Screening on October 24, 25 and 26.
Following a brief discussion, the Commission approved, via separate motions, providing a letter of support to MicroLodgic for their BEAD application. The second motion was the same for Frontier Communications, but without the Memorandum of Understanding that they requested due to it containing a clause for local financial support.
The financial Statement for physical year 2023/2024 was approved as submitted by the County Clerk.
Separate motions approved the county and EMS bills for payment and the minutes of the Commission’s September 20 meeting.
Being no additional business to consider, the meeting adjourned at 10:08 a.m. The next regular meeting of the Braxton County Commission will convene on October 18 at 9:00 a.m.