A very wise friend visited the Sutton library and entertained an enthusiastic group recently. Smokey Bear is enjoying his 80th birthday and reminding all that, “Only you can prevent wildfires”. An informative story was read to the group about Smokey’s life with a fire safety discussion afterward. Smokey passed out freebies to his new friends and then they were all treated to birthday cake made by J. Frame. The visit was coordinated by Library Director, Jocelyn Gibson, JGC members of the Appalachian District.
A major goal of Judy’s Garden Club is to educate youth and adults about caring for the environment. A yearly club project is having students grades 1-5 prepare create posters depicting Smokey and his famous slogan. Last year a winner from each grade level was awarded a popular NGC book about the environment (also available at the Sutton library) and 3 of those posters won a monetary prize at the state level. JGC plans to contact each grade school in the county with the poster information in September. All the rules for the contest and large paper are available at the Library for any student wishing to enter a poster. Smokey Bear and Woodsy Owl posters are due in mid-October at the library.
This summer Judy’s Garden Club has been giving out youth gardening buckets containing gloves, tools, seeds, a frisbee, puzzles and other goodies, some were provided by Elk Conservation District office. The buckets have been distributed at the Farmers’ market and 2 were given out during Smokey’s visit to N. McLaughlin and S. Given. Congratulations!
Gardening books and information about JGC can be found at all the county libraries. The next meeting will be Saturday, August 17.
Club members will be at the Sutton Farmer’s market on September 7, where the winning ticket of the raffle for two seashell planters including the spider plants will be drawn. Tickets are available from any JGC member or at the Sutton Library.
JGC encourages families to discuss wildfire prevention and fire safety which should produce some well-designed Smokey Bear posters.