Larry Clifton was the first to address the Commission at their regular meeting on Friday, August 2. The Commissioner renewed his conservation regarding the drug crisis in Braxton County. He stated that he was in discussion with the Superintendent of Schools regarding possibly implementing programs in the school system to combat the problem. He also asked Sgt. Luke Johnson and Sheriff Lou DellaMea if the Sheriff’s Department had developed any plans to combat the problem. Sgt. Johnson stated that he agreed that drugs is always an issue, but he didn’t feel Braxton had any more of a problem that the rest of the state. He said his department was always willing to hear new approaches to fight the problem and that he and his fellow officers were committed to doing everything they could to get drugs off the street. Commission President Lisa Godwin suggested that the Commission place the topic on an agenda of a work session to further discuss possible options.
Animal Control Officers Floyd Cunningham and Megan Stout were slated to appear before the Commission, unfortunately work obligations got in the way. The Commission again reviewed a letter from the pair requesting permission to put emergency vehicle light on the Shelter vehicle as a safety feature. After reviewing the request, Lisa Godwin tabled the matter until the pair were present at a meeting or work session.
In other action, the Commission approved the probable appointment for the month of July as submitted by the Fiduciary Supervisor.
A motion by Larry Clifton approved a consolidation of contiguous tracts of land for tax purposes from Kevin and Doreen Carpenter.
Two purchase orders came before the Commission for consideration. One was approved, the second tabled via separate motions. The Circuit Clerk was authorized to purchase 3 Lenovo IdeaPad Slim 3 computers for staff members from Quill at a cost of $499 each.
The item tabled was the purchase of a Konica Minolta Bizhub C300 from Komax for the Commission Office at a cost of $4,240.63. Lisa Godwin explained that the quote was for a reconditioned machine, and she would like to also have the price of a new unit before making a decision.
The Commission authorized Bobby Painter to prepare the documents for the 23/24 Financial Statement at a cost of $5,000.
The Commission also approved the purchase of a new computer workstation for Sherie Jenkins at the OES/9-1-1 office from Quill in the amount of $2,377.69.
The subject of an agreement for website maintenance was also tabled pending additional information.
Following a review, the Commission approved the county invoices, P-Card and EMS bills for payment as presented.
The final action of the brief session was the approval of minutes for the Commission’s July 19 meeting as presented by the County Clerk.
Being no additoinal items on the agenda, the meeting adjouned at 9:17 a.m.
The next regular meeting of the Braxton County Commission will convene on August 16 beginning at 9:00 a.m.