At their most recent meeting on May 17, the Braxton County Commission gave $50,000 to further park and recreational development in both Burnsville and Gassaway. Pam Wine, representing the Town of Burnsville, was first to request funding for renovations to the town park. Lori Dittman, of the Gassaway Parks Committee made a similar request to benefit two parks in her town. After hearing the presentations, Commissioner Larry Clifton made separate motions to allocate $50,000 to each town from the ARP Lost Revenue Fund.
Rebecca Deal and Kara Ramsey of Mountain Heart and Mountain CAP also addressed the Commission. They requested that the body designate May as Community Action Month in Braxton County in commemoration of Community Action’s 60th Anniversary. Kara Ramsey read the proclamation prior to the commission’s unanimous vote.
Marie Lockard, director of Braxton County Testing Services presented a report of her agency’s activities to the Commission for the month of April.
Tiffany Prior, EMS Director, also reported the Braxton County Emergency Ambulance Services activities for April to the group.
John Hoffman, OES/9-1-1 Director brought two matters before the Commission. He requested the county approved a lease for $1 with the Department of Highways for the Coon Knob radio town. He also requested that the County issue a check to the Sutton Volunteer Fire Department for $50,000 as the local match for the County ladder truck. He explained that the $750,000 balance of the FEMA grant had been received and the new apparatus is scheduled to be delivered within the next few weeks. Both requests were approved.
Prosecuting Attorney Dwayne Vandevender requested permission to hire Ryley Martin as a summer intern in his office. That request was approved on a motion by Larry Clifton.
The PA also requested permission to hire Dan Dotson III to work temporarily in his office while Bill McCourt was on medical leave. Dotson will work up to 20 hours per week and be paid $18.75 per hour with no county benefits. The request was approved.
In other action, the Short Form Settlements as submitted by the Fiduciary Supervisor for the following were approved: Elaine Ruth Cassell, Jean MacCord Clark, Morrison Lee Clark, James Camden Hamner, Jessica M. Helmick, Carmella W Hines, Donald Lockard, Marion Joyce Lockard, Danna M. McQuain, Susan F. Ramsey and Charlotte Sue Sands.
Applications for correction of erroneous assessments for Amy Jenkins and Gary or Linda Ellyson were also approved.
One purchase order ws approved. The Sheriff’s Office will purchase paper and envelopes from Casto & Harris in the amount of $3,107.98.
Sheriff Lou DellaMea made two requests to the Commission; His internal budget revision was approved as presented. His request to reinstate Levi Cochran as Deputy Sheriff was tabled till the Commission and Prosecuting Attorney determined if Cochran met the state requirements for reinstatement.
Circuit Clerk Susan Lemon requested the use of the county P-card for the Clerks Conference on June 24-27 to pay for rooms at $129 per night and the registration fee of $225 per person. Permission was granted.
Via separate motions, the Commission accepted the resignation of William “Bill” Carr from the Braxton County Building Commission and authorized an advertisement for those interested in sitting on the board.
The Commission reviewed a letter from the Braxton County Airport Authority asking that Patrick O’Malley be reappointed to the Braxton County Airport Authority. The request was approved.
The Commission authorized the use of the P-card to pay a $400 registration fee to the County Commissioner’s Association of West Virginia meeting at Stonewall Resort on June 12.
Separate motions approved the county and EMS bills to be paid and the minutes from the Commission’s May 3 meeting.
The Prosecuting Attorney requested an executive session to discuss a vague item on the agenda, “CAD Requirements & Employee Certification”. No further details were given in open session. OES Director John Hoffman, 9-1-1 Supervisor Tyler Long and Advisory Board President Barbara Adams stayed for the closed-door session. A number of EMS/9-1-1 staffers were waiting outside. The session lasted for more than an hour. When the regular meeting reconvened, it was adjourned with no action taken.
The next meeting of the Braxton County Commission will be on June 7 beginning at 9:00 a.m.