The most recent meeting of the Sutton Town Council was held on May 9.
The meeting opened with discussions by council members and the public.
Council member Jon Crum discussed work being completed on the old bridge at the end of Main Street. New deck boards have been placed on almost half of the bridge. He asked about the banners on Main Street. Council member Catherine Hoover stated they had new ones to go up but was waiting for the truck to get them in place.
Crum then went on to discuss odors coming from Appalachian Timber Services again. He stated he went over to the plant and talked with them about his concerns. He stated he didn’t responses to his questions and would be following up.
Town resident and business owner Laurel Petolicchio questioned the council about allowing a possible business to reserve two street parking places for residential. She stated taking street parking for a business is not setting a good precedent with multiple buildings in town having apartments above businesses.
During the discussion on the request for the parking at the old Braxton Motor Building, Jon Crum agreed with Petolicchio about setting a bad precedent. He also stated the prospective buyer and developer Doug Pauley had not held a public meeting for community input like had originally been asked of him. Crum stated that giving him support and the parking spots should not move forward until he did what was asked of him. It was also mentioned that the apartments proposed for the old Braxton Motor Building was contingent on grants that had not been received and the purchase of the building by Pauley was not yet complete. Catherine Hoover made the motion, seconded by John Patterson, to allow Pauley to have the two street parking spaces as long as he held a public meeting and the building was completed as apartments. The motion was approved 4-1 with Jon Crum voting against the request.
Recorder Robyn Dolan discussed sending letters out to residents about mowing the grass on their property. Catherine Hoover asked about sending letters out to individuals with abandoned vehicles as well. Police Chief Harry Teare stated he would check the ordinances to see what the proper procedure would be for the vehicles.
Jon Crum asked for an update on the North Hill sewer project. Robyn Dolan stated Region VII was planning on coming to the May 23 meeting with an update.
Beth Atkins asked about having deck boards replaced on the stage at the farmers market due to a couple of holes.
Mayor JD Hoover discussed having a work session with the county commission to discuss swapping properties. He went to the most recent commission meeting and a work session will be set in the near future.
Under regular business, the council approved the minutes of the April 25 regular meeting on a motion by Catherine Hoover with a vote of 4-1.
Jon Crum voted against the minutes because he stated he did not receive the proper paperwork concerning the first reading of the dilapidated building ordinance. He stated all was presented was the state code and a template that was not properly filled in with the town’s information. He requested a work session before moving forward with the ordinance.
Beth Atkins led action for the approval of payment of the bills. Jon Crum questioned the cost of installing the new floors in the town building. He was informed that the installation was being completed in house by the town employees.
Also approved by council on separate motions were construction permits for 105 N. Hillcrest and 407 Main Street, and fowl permit 406 Riverview Drive.
Recorder Robyn Dolan and Mayor JD Hoover opened the sealed bids for the truck and Explorer. Larry Atkins had the winning bid for the truck in the amount of $389.50 and Rick Cutlip bid $761 for the Explorer. The council approved accepting those bids on a motion by Catherine Hoover with Beth Atkins abstaining. Council discussed possibly trading in one of the police cruisers for a four-wheel drive vehicle. They will hold a work session on Thursday, May 16 at 3:00 pm to discuss this and the dilapidated building ordinance.
At 7:10 pm, council went into executive session to discuss a job application. They reconvened at 8:12 pm. Jon Crum made a motion to hire James Collins as a part-time employee which was approved by council. The meeting was adjourned at 8:14 pm.