The General Revenue collections for April totaled $634,680,453, exceeding the monthly estimate of $520,141,000 by $114,539,453. Total year-to-date General Revenue collections are $4,703,242,867. As of the end of April the state has collected 9 percent% of its total estimated yearly revenue of 4,884,000,000.
Personal Income Tax collections for April totaled $230,205,734, below the month estimate of $249,000,000 by $18,794,266. Total year-to-date Personal Income Tax collections are $1,865,204,238.
Severance tax collections for April totaled $50,4888,106, above the monthly estimate of $23,300,000 by $25,188,106. Total year to date Severance Tax collections are $298,033,067.
Consumer Sales and Use Tax collections for April totaled $127,366,712, below the monthly estimate of $130,500,000 by $-3,133,288. Total year-to-date Consumer Sales and Use tax collections are $1,442,983,982.
May interim meetings are scheduled for May 19th-21st. A special session has been discussed during that time, but the call has not been made at the writing of the column. Furthermore, the special session could take place a week or two after interims according to Larry Pack, the State Revenue Secretary and Senior Adviser to the Governor. Agenda items may include increasing funding for state human services programs, surplus spending, and state support for childcare.
This past week I attended Braxton Count High School’s Career Technical Education (CTE) Ceremony where students were presented with completer certificates and Senior cords. Students were also recognized with NOCTI (National Occupational Competency Testing Institute) certification which means students have proven skills and competencies are ready for success outside the classroom. In addition to NOCTI presentations, students received recognition for the Governor’s Workforce.
Congratulations to the students completing programs. You are ready to make your mark on the world! Also, congratulations to Keith Greene who was chosen by the staff as CTE Teacher of the Year for the high school. I have had the pleasure of talking with students and seeing the success of the program and look forward to seeing the pathways expand.
Congratulations to the Gilmer County FFA Land Judging Team for finishing 24th out of 99 teams in land judging and placing 12th out of 58 teams in homesite. Also, congratulations to Anna Mason who placed seventh individually in the nation on both contests! The team traveled to Oklahoma to compete on the National stage and represented our district well! Way to go team!
Also, congratulations to BCHS Eagle Winter Guard for their outstanding performance at the regional competition taking first in the Twirling Unlimited Competition, along with other titles. Their dedication and hard work yielded remarkable results!
I attended the Gilmer County Senior Center’s Bingo with my mother and daughter. Although we did not walk out as winners, we had an enjoyable evening visiting with folks. Thank you to Sallie Mathison and the senior center staff for organizing a fun evening.
I was happy to support the Frametown Fire Department by attending their Annual Ramp Dinner. Thank you to those who prepared and served a delicious meal!
Bigfoot Braxxie Bikes hosted a food truck festival in Gassaway. Vendors said they served over 2,000 meals over the three-day period. In addition to food trucks, there was a pickleball tournament, A May the Fourth Be With You 5K, and an arts and craft show. I believe, if you plan it, people will come. I encourage those of you who have an idea for an event or business to talk to others and let us build our community to foster growth, connection, and positive change.
Mother’s Day is just a week away. I would like to wish my mother, Doris Cowger, a Happy Mother’s Day, along with other moms out there and those ladies who hold the place of mom in the hearts of the people who love them. I am blessed beyond measure by my mother and am eternally grateful for her love, care, and support over the years!
“Motherhood: all love begins and ends there.”
(Robert Browning)
Early voting has opened up and the Primary Election will be held on May 14th. I encourage everyone to get out and exercise their right to vote, for whomever you choose to vote!
I look forward to hearing from people in the district and hope to see you out and about enjoying all the great things our area has to offer. I can be contacted at [email protected] or 304-701-8600.