The Sutton Town Council held their most recent meeting on May 25. All elected officials were in attendance except Council member Jon Crum who was absent from the meeting.
Beth Atkins began the meeting by briefly discussing the recent Rural Partner Network meeting she attebded in Charleston. While there, she met with Shane Whitehair from Region VII and stated the meeting was very informative.
She added that she had contact with Mountain Cap regarding work on a multi-county recycling program grant.
Atkins noted she was still waiting for quotes on the stair lift.
She also briefly reviewed two quotes she had received for the website redesign. Atkins will work on getting more information before presenting to the council for a vote.
Town citizen Jeff Sutton asked for an update on law enforcement in the town. He was tolsthat the town still had a part-time officer contracted through the Braxton County Sheriff’s Department and they had received applications for a permanent town officer to review.
Steve Facemire updated council on the work fixing the drain at Fifth Street. The drain was reworked and they would be keeping an eye on it to see if the issues were resolved the problem. He also noted the town employees were playing catch-up on the mowing and weed eating throughout town.
Catherine Hoover updated those present on the repairs to the various welcome signs coming into town. Martin Hallet will be working through them one by one until they are all completed.
Council recognized the work completed by Bill Hopen and the Patterson’s on the cleaning up the buildings on Main Street.
Recorder Robyn Dolan asked council to have a work session to review the costs of insurance for town employees. A work session was scheduled for June 7 at 1:00 pm.
Mayor JD Hoover requested the council approve getting subscriptions to both local papers for the city offices. The request was approved on a motion by Steve Facemire.
Under the topic of regular business, the council approved the May 11 regular meeting minutes, the May 16 special meeting minutes, and the payment of bills on two separate motions by Steve Facemire. Also approved on a motion by Facemire was the construction permit for façade work underway at the Sutton Moose Lodge.
Beth Atkins entered the motion that approved the road closure for the Christmas Parade on December 2.
Frontier requested the monthly payment be changed to an annual payment for the utility tax. The request was approved on a motion by Steve Facemire.
Council went into executive session at 6:30 pm to review two employment applications. They reconvened at 7:00 pm with no decisions made. The meeting was adjourned at 7:01 pm.
The next regular meeting is scheduled for June 8 at 6:00 pm.