While the headline of this column might often be associated with the Christmas holiday, it also applies to this time of year if you are in the newspaper business. The end of school stretches a small staff like ours very thin. In addition, we have had an unusual situation as we approached press day this week.
We make a conscious effort some time ago to keep different articles in both the Citizens’ News and the Democrat-Central. Often that is a struggle since the two papers go to press just two days apart. That was not the case this week as we struggled to get everything in a much larger Citizens’ News, due to the publication of the delinquent tax list. In fact, we probably have enough new copy this early in the week to take care of the Democrat’s front page as well.
I’m very fortunate that our staff, even though slight in numbers, are very dedicated and step up every time our workload gets heavy. I can’t say enough good things about their hard work or how much I appreciate their efforts.
As is documented on the front page of this issue as well as the front page of the second section 124 young men and women are embarking on a new chapter of their life this week after Friday’s graduation.
In addition, a lot of good things are happening locally. Last Friday, Governor Jim Justice’s wife Kathy visited Frametown Elementary School as part of her Spring Road Trip to state schools outlining her Community In Schools (CIS) program. Also on the front page of this issue is coverage of Clear Mountain Bank opening a new branch at the Flatwoods Outlet Center. I am cautiously optimistic that these two activities signal growth in our community. After the hits the business community took in 2022 we definitely need some positive growth. Let’s hope this is only the beginning.
On a personal note… I hope my health issues are behind me. The changes my doctor made in my medications seem to be producing positive benefits. That means I am more active and that also helps the end result. I was able to do a few projects at the boat this weekend, which is far more than I’ve been doing. So, I also hope this is a new beginning.