Braxton Citizens' News, Schools

BCHS Senior Projects showcased last week

By Shirley Shuman

An array of projects created by this year’s BCHS seniors took over the high school commons area and part of the gymnasium last Monday as the students displayed their work.  Completion of a senior project is required in Braxton’s English 12 classes, and each must  adhere to regulations set by the instructor. Individuals, including some faculty members, selected by English 12 instructor Lisa Vaughan judged the projects, and each judge voted for Best of Show. For the first time, there was a tie for Best of Show with Jackson Davis and Russell Bramble earning the same number of points.

For his project, Davis created a River of Rosin coffee table. He explained that he used black walnut for the table and ran a large streak of black epoxy between two pieces of the wood  for a dramatic effect. Davis said he spent “around 30 hours” working on his project, and that instructor Robert Lloyd was his mentor. Asked why he chose this particular project, he said, “Over the past two or three years, projects with epoxy have become popular. I also saw something like mine on the Internet.” Although the coffee table currently sits in his family’s living room, Davis plans to take it to his apartment when he goes to WVU this fall.

Bramble used digital design to create a seal for the Town of Sutton for his project. He explained that he chose this  for his senior project after he had entered a competition by the Town of Sutton for a design for a town seal. Bramble also said, “Digital designing is a good opportunity to see what you can do.”  He described the seal he designed as having a drawing of the Sutton Dam in the center with rings around the whole thing. Between the two rings is the text reading “Sutton, West Virginia Official Seal.” Business teacher Sarah Dennison was Bramble’s mentor. He estimated that he spent “around three months” completing the design and that he is “definitely happy with the results.”  He added, “It was a challenge because I had to change the design several times.”

Although Jackson and Bramble each earned the title, “Best of Show,” there were many other well-made and interesting projects among the 100 displayed,  according to their instructor. Explaining that, “as usual there were lots of tables, quilts,and crocheted blankets, but there were also some different projects this year, too.”  She named, for example, the crocheted flowers that Desire Frazee created along with Kaylee Criner’s wedding videography. Then there was Lane Morrow’s Memory Lane Podcast, which fascinated many. Natalie Rose wrote a children’s book, and Cody Houghton built a queen-size bed. Then there were Jayna Hamric’s hand-painted halters. Two seniors did painting projects. Tempest Lloyd created a fascinating painting, and Caitlyn Norman displayed a three-canvas space painting.

Vaughan also noted the interest of the community in this year’s projects. “We had over100 community members who came out to see the projects. We probably had close to 125 because we had some not sign in,” she said. Overall, she was pleased with not only the turnout of community members but also with the quality of this year’s projects.