The Braxton County Commission conducted a busy session last Friday, April 7. Among the topics of discussion was a $10,000 grant to Holly Gray Park by former Delegate Brent Boggs and a complaint regarding service of the county’s 9-1-1 system.
Brent Boggs was one of the first to address the Commission. He explained that one of the final acts before leaving his position, after 27 years in the House of Delegates, was to request supplemental funding for Holly Gray Park. He said that funding was finally approved, and he was attending the meeting to present the check to Ron Facemire, President of the Holly Gray Park Board and Caleb Harper, Park Manager.
John Meadows appeared before the Commission to complain about how an incident at his home, that occurred on September 19, 2021, was handled by Braxton Control. Meadows played 3 recordings from 9-1-1 tapes regarding conversations he and his parents had with dispatchers when they tried to summon help. One of the recordings was a discussion between the local dispatcher and her State Police counterpart in Elkins. At the conclusion of his presentation, Meadows stated that the treatments he received… “was the most unprofessional behavior I have ever witnessed and is unacceptable.” Commission President Lisa Godwin ask John Hoffman OES/9-1-1 Director for his take on the incident. Hoffman stated that he wasn’t aware of the incident until just recently. He added that the problem was that the dispatchers were unable to obtain the vital information regarding location and exact nature of the emergency.
Sheriff Lou DellaMea requested permission to hire Jim Ball as part-time Dam Patrol Deputy. That request was tabled pending approval from the Corp of Engineers.
John Hoffman OES/9-1-1 Director presented the monthly reports from his agencies for the month of March. He also requested that an ambulance title be transferred. That request was granted by way of a motion by Melvin Gum.
Eddie Williams and John Cobb of the Pleasant Hill Waterline Extension gave the Commission an update on funding for the project before yielding the floor to Dylan Johnson of the Burnsville Public Utility Board. Johnson explained that the $125,000 previously committed by the Commission for the replacement of the waterline through Burnsville Lake would not be needed since that project was fully funded through other sources. He requested that the money be reallocated to the river crossing needed by the BPUB which would aid the Pleasant Hill project. He added that an additional $5,000 was needed above the $125,000. Separate motions by Larry Clifton withdrew the funding from the lake project and reallocated it, plus $5,000, to the river crossing.
In other action, the probate appointments for the month of March were approved as presented.
Melvin Gum made a motion to approve an application for correction of erroneous assessment for Kristi Marie Allen.
Three purchase orders were approved via separate motions. General Appliance LLC was given permission to repair the air-conditioning unit in the Jury Room at a cost of $850. The EMS will be reimbursed $950 paid to GDL Haulers LLC for delivery of the used ambulance recently purchased by the county. Sports Connection will receive $1,025 for lettering the new ambulance.
Larry Clifton made a motion that the county pay half of the basic blood screening for any county employee wishing to take advantage of the low-cost testing.
Following a review Commissioner Clifton made a motion to allow the Sheriff’s Department to purchase a total of 9 laptop computers from Dell at a cost of $15,690.68.
The Sheriff also reviewed bids for purchasing 3 new 2023 Ford Explorer Cruisers from the low bidder, Mid-State Ford in Summersville at a cost of $53,225.58 each. Larry Clifton made a motion to pay $60,000 up front on the purchase from the ARP Lost Revenue Funds and finance the balance for 5 years through County Roads Leasing.
Separate motions approved two proclamations by the Commission. April will be National County Government Month in Braxton County. The Week of April 9-15 will be National Telecom-municators Week.
It was Larry Clifton who made a motion to transfer the water meter at the Airport from a private individual’s name to the county.
The Commission accepted the resignation of custodian Rachel Davis. A separate motion authorized advertising to fill the vacancy.
Following a brief discussion, the Commission agreed to begin a search for a used vehicle for the Animal Shelter not to exceed $30,000.
The Commission agreed to again partner with Braxton Newspapers to sponsor the local portion of the CCAWV Essay Contest. Each Commissioners will personally donate $100, as will the newspapers, to provide prize month for the local winners.
The Commission reviewed a request from the Burnsville Community Building to purchase a new commercial gas range from Lowes at a cost of $4,757.17. That request was approved on a motion by Larry Clifton.
Under the topic of old business, the Commission authorized $7,998 to Advance Alarm Technology to replace 8 security cameras in the Courthouse Annex.
Following a review, bills for the county and EMS were approved as presented except for one to the County CBV pending clarification was to their compliance with newly implemented state code provisions.
The minutes of the Commission’s regular meeting of March 17 and Special Meetings of March 24 and 31 were approved as presented.
The meeting was adjourned at 10:05 a.m. The next regular meeting of the Braxton County Commission will be on April 21 beginning at 9:00 a.m.