The Sutton Town Council held two meetings during the previous week. The first, on March 7, was to discuss the town budget for the upcoming fiscal year. Acting Recorder, Robyn Dolan presented the budget to the council for review. She requested a work session for March 13 in the afternoon to discuss the budget with council once they have the time to look over it. Items that would need to be discussed included increasing donations to the fire department and library and raising pay for election workers.
Council briefly discussed road repairs during the meeting as well. On a motion by Jon Crum, council approved the purchase of a pallet of Green Patch to use in repairing roads in town.
They also discussed a complaint about garbage piled up on a property and blowing onto other people’s property. Mayor JD Hoover will send out a letter contacting the property owner about the issue.
The second meeting of the week was held on March 9.
Ernie Kingdon with Ghosh Engineering was available for council members for the second reading of the request for the alley way by WV American Water. On a motion by Steve Facemire, council moved forward with the request on the condition that WV American Water would cover the costs of the preparation and transfer. Council also approved their demolition permit request for the building on the property and to prep the site for the new tank.
Mayor informed council that Sally Stewart had been in contact about having another spay/neuter event in the town. This one will be for those who own cats and need assistance to cover the costs of the procedure. They will need at least 20 cats to participate in the program. Council requested she come to a meeting and speak with council.
Beth Atkins informed council she had been contacted by a representative of the Sutton High School Alumni Association about placing the banner across the street coming into town as they have done in previous years at the end of June.
Council discussed the work on the trailer and approved the quote from Evans Auto for tires on a motion by Robyn Dolan. Steve Facemire stated he would contact Bakers Equipment to see if placing a dump bed on the trailer would be an option and what the costs would be for the installation and equipment.
Jon Crum requested the town look into purchasing new road cones. The supply is low and the current ones are in bad shape.
He asked about road repairs on Morrison Avenue. The Green Patch order will be in the first of the week and that is a street on the list for repairs.
Crum also updated Council on the drain at the Main Street and 5th Street. The sewer had completed their work on the leak and now the town workers would need to go in and properly clean the drain.
Council had a brief discussion on hiring town police officers. Mayor Hoover requested talking with other insurance companies about possible packages for town employees including the officers.
Municipal Clerk Robin Smith told council the title for the REAP truck has come in and is now the property of the town.
After a brief discussion, council approved the HVAC quote from General Appliance on a motion by Jon Crum.
Beth Atkins brought up the Welcome to Sutton sign near Flint Apartments had blown over during the recent wind storm and was badly damaged. Council discussed talking with Martin Hallet about getting quotes to repair the existing ones and coming to the next meeting to discuss the repairs.
Jon Crum asked about the purchase of American flags for the poles in town. Robyn Dolan noted they had been ordered and received. The new banners have been ordered as well.
He also updated council on the farmer’s market recent meeting. Items discussed were the repair to the stage and tree removal, allowing vendors to stay later and/or having special Saturday events, hot spots provided by the library, guidelines for vendors, and sign sponsorship.
Council discussed the issue with individuals dumping their personal trash on the burn pile, which has been an ongoing issue. Council noted that those found dumping on the burn pile will be prosecuted. They also discussed possibly doing away with the burn pile to eliminate the problem.
In regular action, council approved the minutes of the February 23 meeting and the February 27 special meeting with a correction on a motion by Beth Atkins. Also approved by council on a motion by Steve Facemire was the payment of bills.
On a motion by Beth Atkins, council approved to increase the pay for the Mayor and Recorder from $2250 per year to $3000 per year effective July 1, 2023.
The meeting was adjourned at 7:08pm. The next regular meeting is set for March 23 at 6:00 pm.