On February 28, the Braxton County Board of Education conducted a special meeting in order to complete the evaluation for Superintendent Dr. Rhonda Combs.
Board President Evelyn Post asked the board to complete the personnel items on the agenda first before moving on to the evaluation. The board approved the request to allow Sherry Moats, instructional aide at Little Birch, to be granted intermittent unpaid leave days for the remainder of the school year as needed due to extenuating family circumstances on a motion by Kevin Gregory.
On a motion by Dr. Kenna Seal, the board approved to postpone the request to revise the job description from the February 7 agenda for Addi Facemire from instructional aide to instructional/supervisory aide at the request of Dr. Combs. She informed the board she would need more time to verify the information with Ginger Altizer, Director of Finance.
At 5:06 pm, the board went into executive session to conduct the superintendent evaluation. They reconvened at 8:09 pm.
Board President Evelyn Post issued a brief statement concerning the evaluation: “The board has utilized the state evaluation instrument in evaluating our superintendent and the overall result is she meets the performance measures in meeting the goals by either ‘exceeding the goals’ or ‘meeting the goals’ as well as she had ‘needing improvement’ in some goal areas.”
Board President continued with, “The one thing that we are struggling with in this county that we are all responsible for ultimately is improving academic achievement. And that is all of our responsibility and one that certainly our superintendent has worked hard on and continuing that goal from the last administration.”
Dr. Combs noted she had learned something from the feedback coming from the evaluation.
The meeting was adjourned at 8:09 pm. The next regular meeting is scheduled for March 7 at 6:00 pm.