The Braxton County Prosecuting Attorney attended last Friday’s Braxton County Commission meeting. She told the Commission that Amanda Vidal had tendered her resignation as a member of her staff and that she would like permission to replace her. Following the brief discussion Larry Clifton made a motion to accept Vidal’s resignation. He separately moved to allow the prosecuting Attorney to advertise to fill the position. Both actions unanimously passed.
John Hoffman, County OES, 9-1-1, EMS Director approached the Commission regarding the hiring of personnel for the ambulance service. Melissa Dawn Workman and Benjamin Casey Brammer were both approved as full time driver at an hourly rate of pay of $10 plus full county benefits. Trevor Harper was hired as a part-time driver with no county benefits. He will be paid $11.55 per hour. All three will serve 90 probationary periods.
In other action, the Commission approved the resignation of Jonathan Luke Nettles as Braxton County Humane Officer effective March 3. They also authorized placing an advertisement for those interested in filling the position.
The Commission also accepted a letter of resignation from Heather Hardway as secretary for the Braxton County Airport Authority. The Commission will advertise to fill that position as well.
Applications for corrections of erroneous assessments were approved for Jason & Sara Rexroad, Sara & James Anderson, and Luke Malensek.
Larry Clifton made a motion to appoint Eddie Williams to the BC Recreational Development Authority Board.
The Commission reviewed and approved a request from Linda Brown representing the Flatwoods Park and Recreations Board to reappoint Mike Johnson and Larry Gibson to their body.
Following a brief discussion, the Commission approved a request to pay the Mid-Ohio Valley Regional Council $250 to help fund the Senior Companion Program in Braxton County.
The Commission approved $1,500 as matching funds for Region VII Planning and Development Council to complete the PDC’s Hazard Mitigation Plan update.
Shentel’s request for the Commission to approve their USF Exemption Certificates for 2020-23 was approved as submitted.
The Commission reviewed and approved the allocation of $10,000 to the Sutton Volunteer Fire Department in ARP monies to help purchase new battery-operated rescue tools to equip their new rescue vehicle that is currently under construction.
The Commission approved the appointment of Linda Lou Ellyson as the sole executrix of the last will and testament of Delis E. Blake.
Following reviews, separate motions approved the county’s invoices and EMS bills for payment as well as the minutes of the Commission’s February 3 meeting.
Being no further business on the agenda, the meeting adjourned at 9:20 a.m. The next regular meeting of the Braxton County Commission will convene on March 3 at 9:00 a.m.