The Sutton Town Council held their most recent regular meeting on February 9.
The first discussion was brought to the table by council member Jon Crum. He noted it had been brought to his attention the noise level, especially at night, coming from Appalachian Timber Services. Crum started an investigation into state code and with the WVDEP and WVDNR. He has not found any laws that directly involve noise levels concerning industries. He thinks the town should have a discussion with ATS concerning this issue moving forward.
Crum also noted the surface coating was coming loose on the side of the old draft house and a letter would need to be sent to the owners to address the issue.
He discussed possibly looking into other options instead of the burn pit for debris removal. Crum had noticed individuals placed trash bags in the burn pile again. He stated possibly doing a spring and/or fall cleanup and have a dumpster to take the debris once or twice a year for town residents.
Crum discussed an issue with the sewer lines coming off of Town Hill. Across from both 5th Street and 3rd Street, there has been a smell of sewer coming off of the hill. The sewer company has been working on correcting the problem as they found an issue with a backup on a line.
The council listened to a presentation by Tyler Brown with Aegis Insurance concerning options for providing medical insurance to employees through Highmark Blue Cross/Blue Shield of WV and United Healthcare.
Steve Facemire discussed an issue on Facemire Lane from earlier in the week. The homeowner brought in private contractors to work on correcting the problems with the drain. However, Steve Facemire stated the gas company had laid gas lines to another residence on Facemire Lane and had possibly damaged the drain lines in the process. He stated the town workers will monitor the area to see if there will be an issue and if there is he will contact the gas company for them to repair the line.
Facemire noted that hopefully the prices on asphalt and paving will come down with the drop in oil prices. Jon Crum stated they need to look into work on Morrison Avenue as well this spring.
Facemire stated he was looking into information on Green Patch, a cold pack product, for the town to use for road repairs.
Robyn Dolan noted she would be meeting next week with the DOH and the new guy who was taking over locally.
Facemire stated he was working with the town workers on doing clean up behind the old Braxton Motor garage. He stated the old sewer machine back there is worthless. The workers suggested to dismantle the machine and use the carriage as the foundation of a trailer to be used haul gravel, etc.
Facemire discussed the issue with parking coming off of Town Hill around Sutton Elementary and that it needs to be addressed.
Beth Atkins updated the council on the discussion for electronic recycling. She stated that she spoke with Shirley Hyre and the last time one was held most of the items went directly to the landfill due to costs in recycling electronics. Atkins did receive contact information of individuals in Charleston from her for other options.
She also informed the council she received the old school bell from the board office.
Jon Crum discussed the condition of the old stage at the farmer’s market. He felt the town needed to get estimates on repairs before the market opens. Council approved the request on a motion by Crum. Steve Facemire requested that the Municipal Clerk investigate the insurance coverage on the stage as it was damaged by wind initially and the previous administration did not properly investigate and file the claim. Catherine Hoover asked about the Sutton CDC and using some of their funds for the repair.
Also Crum discussed the removing the large tree on the hillside behind the market for an unobstructed view of the river for those attending the market. Crum made the motion to get estimates on the tree removal that was approved by the council.
Crum reviewed the recent farmer’s market meeting and the upcoming plans for this year. The committee would like to possibly extend the hours on some Saturdays for events like food trucks or special vendors, music, etc. They also discussed trying to get better communications out to farmers to get more involved and bringing in the produce to the market.
Steve Facemire thanked Catherine Hoover for her donation of a chainsaw to the town.
Under regular business, the council approved the minutes of the January 26 meeting and the payment of bills on two separate motions.
Council approved setting up direct deposit for town employees on a motion by Steve Facemire.
Council went into executive session to discuss the status of an employee on a motion by Jon Crum at 6:55 pm. They reconvened at 8:06 pm with no action taken and immediately adjourned the meeting. The next regular meeting is scheduled for February 23 at 6:00 pm.