I took time out from a busy week to spend Thursday in Charleston. The day began with a mid-morning meeting at the WV Press Association office. I always enjoy these meetings. I find them very educational. We not only find out what is going on with our association but talking “shop” with my colleagues around the state is always enlightening for me.
There was a lot of discussion during our down time about digital media and how that interacts with the print newspaper. A new publisher was just appointed to the Board from Greenbrier County who has a wealth of experience in this realm. While I do admit that a lot of what he said was simply over my head, I did find the conversation very rewarding and look forward to more one on one with the ultimate objective to get our newspapers’ programs more up-to-date.
The highlight of the trip was the evening reception with legislators at the Culture Center that evening. It was great to renew some old acquaintances, but the best part was twofold. First there was no program. So, we didn’t have to listen to boring speeches or often disgruntled elected officials bashing our industry. Second was spending time with Lori Dittman.
Our conversation covered just about everything. She has had some of my grandchildren in her classes, so all our discussion was not about what is going on in the legislature. We did talk about a couple of bills that are designed to deprive the public of their right to know. But the best part of the evening was hearing how she was adapting to her new job. She told me about lots of things she liked and few that she didn’t. I have always known Lori as a very sincere and dedicated teacher. It appears she approaches her public service life much the same way. It was obvious from our discussion that Lori pays attention. I am now more convinced than ever that we have a good voice for Braxton County in Charleston. She readily admits that she is still learning the ropes, but I think we will see good things come from Lori Dittman… our Delegate.