The Sutton Town Council conducted their most recent meeting on January 26.
Two individuals, Andrew Wyne and Pat Jack, spoke to council about the WV state retirement savings plan, WV Retirement Plus. The program is offered through the WV State Treasurer’s Office. It is a voluntary retirement plan for all state employees. WV Retirement Plus is also available to municipalities, board of educations, public utility boards, and other quasi-government entities.
The program will allow the town to provide retirement for town employees and council members. If the council decides to participate in the retirement plan, it will not cost the town anything unless they offer a match to what the employees choose to deposit.
Mayor JD Hoover noted joining the program may help with employee retention and council member Jon Crum stated it was worth looking into getting more details.
One town resident, Jeff Sutton, asked if the town still had law enforcement. He was told that yes, the town did, and they were utilizing deputies for patrols.
Steve Facemire reported on the drainage issued on Industrial Avenue. The problem is runoff coming off a neighboring driveway. He stated he has spoken with the property owner about the issue.
Facemire also talked about a tree that fell on South Franklin Street at the intersection to Old Turnpike Road. The town employees were able to remove it with the use of the personal chainsaw belonging to one of the employees. The council will work on getting a chainsaw for the town.
Robyn Dolan informed the council she is still working with the DOH on paving options for county roads within the town limits.
Catherine Hoover noted Mountain Cap repaired the issue on the side of their building that was discussed at the last meeting.
Beth Atkins reported she had a request for an electronic recycling day in town. She will contact Shirley Hyre and investigate options.
The council briefly discussed the one bid they had received for HVAC work on the town building. They wanted to try to get more bid options before proceeding.
Beth Atkins gave a brief update on the progress with designing the town seal. She would be in touch with the high school to get the final design. Atkins also noted the need to recognize the students for their design submissions in the near future.
She also noted the recent Elk River Trail/Faster WV meeting was well attended and the town will have the information available in the Mayor’s Office for anyone starting a new business.
Beth Atkins explained to the council she was approached by Lib Stewart concerning an old school bell from the first school in Sutton that was being stored at the Braxton County Board of Education. The board would like to return it to the town. She will submit a letter to the BOE requesting the bell for the town.
Under regular business, the council approved the minutes of the January 12 meeting with corrections.
Approved on a motion by Steve Facemire, the council will release the budgeted funds for the Sutton Public Library and the Sutton Volunteer Fire Department since they provided their operating budgets.
The town council went into executive session at 6:46 pm for a personnel discussion. They reconvened at 7:27 pm. On a motion by Steve Facemire, the council approved to hire Andrew Jordan as a part time officer.
The meeting was adjourned at 7:36 pm. The next regular meeting is scheduled for February 9.