Mayor JD Hoover opened the meeting by reading a letter received from former Delegate Brent Boggs. In the letter, he described funding he worked on providing for the town over the years. Boggs stated he was honored to represent those in the community during his time in the legislation.
Beth Atkins informed the council that she had contacted Sarah Dennison at the high school about designing the image for the town seal.
She also asked about the release of the budgeted funds for the Sutton Public Library. Council stated the library would need to provide a budget before the funds could be released.
Beth Atkins let the council know about the upcoming meeting on January 24 at 6:00 pm in the Sutton Volunteer Fire Department Annex. This meeting is part of the Elk River Trails program and is geared towards getting information to prospective businesses including possible grants.
Town council reviewed the bids received for the paving on Birch and S. Short Streets. On a motion by Steve Facemire, council decided to delay paving until spring and would table the topic until the next meeting.
Robyn Dolan informed council members she had spoken with the Department of Highways concerning state roads in the municipality. She stated they would be working on ditching and patching but had to wait until their budget for the year was released before deciding on the paving of roads.
Municipal Clerk Robin Smith gave a brief update to the council on the recent Municipal Court held on January 5.
She also informed council that the ceiling tiles in the community building, the mayor’s office, and the foyer had been replaced.
Mayor Hoover noted the town workers had placed cones near the Mountain Cap building where pieces had fallen off of the building. He asked that someone from the organization be contacted so the building can be secured and not pose a hazard to the community.
Jon Crum requested council members sign the final page from the updated ordinances to complete them.
The upcoming municipal election has been set for June 13. Catherine Hoover and Beth Atkins have met with Sheila Butler to discuss the schedule and what the town needs to do to properly hold the election.
Under regular business, the council approved the minutes of the December 15 regular meeting and the December 29 special meeting on a motion by Catherine Hoover.
Steve Facemire presented a request by Jeff Facemire about the purchasing of property owned by the town along the cemetery property on Town Hill for a mausoleum. Catherine Hoover, who sits on the cemetery trustees board, stated he had not approached the trustees with his proposal. Jon Crum moved to table until more information could be obtained and to allow time for Jeff Facemire to speak with the cemetery trustees. The motion passed with Catherine Hoover abstaining from the vote.
On a motion by Steve Facemire, council approved the payment of bills.
The council approved the construction permit for 48 Stonewall Street on a motion by Jon Crum contingent to no obstructions to traffic or neighboring properties during the work on the property.
The town council also approved allowing the Moose Lodge to sell alcohol at the planned event scheduled for June 3 at Flint Field on a motion by Beth Atkins.
On a motion by Steve Facemire, the council approved to have Robin Smith and Robyn Dolan, as acting Recorder, attend the budget training on January 30 in Bridgeport.
At 7:03 pm, council went into executive session to discuss personnel. They reconvened at 7:46 pm with no action taken and immediately adjourned the meeting.