The Braxton County Commission conducted their first session of the new calandar year last Friday, January 6. The initial action of the meeting was to reaffirm steps taken late the previous year that Lisa Godwin would serve as president of the body. Larry Clifton made the motion. Several other formalities followed.
By separate motions the meeting dates and times for the Commission regular meeting schedule were established as they have been in previous years: the first and third Fridays of each month beginning at 9:00 a.m.
Following a brief discussion, Larry Clifton made a motion to approve the assignment of Commissioners to various boards in the county.
The surety bond for 2023 with the City National Bank was approved. Action was tabled on a similar bond with People’s Bank pending additional paperwork.
The holiday schedule, granting county employees 13 paid holidays, was approved as was the schedules for time sheets submission and meeting dates and times for the Board of Equalization.
John Hoffman, County OES Director was first to speak to the Commission. He presented the monthly reports for OES/9-1-1, and EMS activities for December. That report revealed that Braxton Control had fielded 2,313 calls during the month which had generated 741 CAD emergencies. Of those, 407 pertained to law enforcement, 131 were fire related and 176 required EMS action.
Marie Lockard of Braxton Testing Center presented the monthly report for her agency. BCTC conducted 129 drug screenings during the month. Lockard reported that all billing was up to date.
Tyler Ward of Congresswoman Carol Miller’s office was present to introduce himself and the Congresswoman who now represent Braxton County. He distributed his contact information and invited the Commission and local elected officials to contact their office when they could be of service.
In other action, the Probate Appointments were approved as submitted by the Fiducary Supervisor.
Two purchase orders came before the Commission for consideration. One as notification of being voided. That PO, approved at the previous meeting, authorized the Sheriff to purchase 4 tires and perform routine maintenance on a police cruiser at Mid-State Chevy for a cost of $2,149.40. That purchase authorization was to be replaced by PO #770 to Mid-State Chevy for the same services at a cost of $1,720.98. The changes were authorized on a motion by Larry Clifton.
Melvin Gum made a motion to approve Megan Stout as the county’s Animal Control Officer.
The Commission approved a contract to upgrade the Pitney Bowes postage machine in the County Clerks office.
Contracts with Global Science & Technology to provide support for the county’s compute network as well as the Emergency Management network were approved via separate motions.
Melvin Gum introduced action to authorize the use of the county credit card to pay for registration fees, rooms and parking for Commissioners to attend the County Commissioners Association of West Virginia Winter Meeting on January 22-24 at Embassy Suites in Charleston. Those rates are $225 to register, $134 per night for rooms and $1.75 per day parking.
Following a review, the county and EMS bills were authorized for payment. A separate motion approved the minutes of the Commiss-ion’s December 16 meeting as presented by the County Clerk.
Being no further business on the agenda, the meeting adjourned at 9:20 a.m. The next regularly scheduled meeting of the Braxton County Commission will convene on January 20 at 9:00 a.m.