By Shirley Shuman
For those who enjoy gaming, Joe and Kristen Gates probably have any game one might like in their recently-opened store, Cardboard Coliseum. Gates explained how the store in Sutton came into being.
“I’ve always talked about it,” he said. “I loved board games growing up as a kid, and our family had board games nights, Those were great for us to socialize.” Gates continued to say why he felt this type of business might appeal to people in this area. He noted the social distancing that had come with Covid and said he thought that his and his wife’s store “might be a good way to get people to socialize again,” adding, “To play games, you have to sit down and talk.”
Essentially, the store offers several types of games for sale. “We probably have over 100 different games on the shelves,” the owner said. However, the business also rents the games to individuals who want to play. The store has tables and chairs for the gamers, and snacks and drinks are available. Rental fee for a game is $25, but once the game is over, players who return the game intact and receive $20 of that back.
Two other options are available for those interested. Individuals may bring their own games into the establishment and use the available tables without cost. In addition, Gates plans to have Saturday game tournaments and actually had a zombie dice game scheduled for this past Saturday. Participation in that game was free, Gates explained, but he will be charging entry fees for future tournaments.
Among the games available for sale or rent are board games, disc dice games, RPGs, and miniature games. Gates also sells miniatures for those who want to buy extras.
Cardboard Coliseum, located at 203 Second Street, is open Monday through Thursday 10 a.m. until 8 p.m., Friday and Saturday 10 a.m. until 9 p.m. Gates noted he’s happy with the response to the business and reported that his customers come in all ages, from very young….8. 9,10 to 50, 60 and up.