Lewis named Homemaker of the Year
“Old Fashioned Christmas” was the theme for the Sutton Homemaker Division of Central WV Aging Services Appreciation Party held on Saturday, December 10 at the Braxton County Armory in Gassaway.
Nearly 200 Homemaker were recognized during the event which included food, music, door prizes, and service awards.
Highlighting the awards portion of the celebration was the naming of Zonna Lewis was honored as the Homemaker of the Year.
Evelyn Post, Executive Director welcomed the large crowd, thanking each one of them for their service to the elderly and disabled individuals in their communities. She asked Jimmy Utt to come forward and bless the meal. Utt has worked over 20 years for CWVAS. Members of the Sutton office served the dinner to the caregivers and their families.
After the meal, Executive Director Post presented the Caregiver Awards. Certificates were given for five, 10, 15, 20 and 25+ years of service to the organization. Also awards went to the homemakers with the best attendance, timesheet completion, most tenured employee, and the Homemaker of the Year Award.
Also honored was Donna Jean Hanshaw, RN. She has almost 20 years of service and will be retiring at the end of the month.
No Christmas party is complete without gifts… Each homemaker received a personalized storage clipboard and 17 lucky individuals won door prizes. Executive Director Post also announced a $500 bonus for those employed thru November 15 would be going out the first of the week.
Central WV Aging Services has grown from servicing seven counties in the state to 46, with 7 offices in Sutton, Buckhannon, Charleston, Oak Hill, Parkers-burg, Martins-burg, and Fairmont, during the nearly 40 years Executive Director Post has been working for the organization.
“We would like to thank the Braxton Eagles Boys basketball coaching staff and team for helping set up, Country Girls’ Catering, Brian Carr and Troy Dennison for helping with our heavy lifting, and Jim Tucker band,” stated Executive Director Post.