The Braxton County Commission conducted a brief session on Friday, December 2.
First to speak to Commissioners was Marie Lockard from the Braxton County Testing Center. She reported on November activity at the center which included 113 DHHR drug screens, one through the courts, and 22 through home confinement, for a total of 136. Two individuals completed home confinement and were released. DHHR has been billed $5129.50 for the month of October and the center received a check in the amount of $2170.50 from the DHHR.
John Hoffman, OES/9-1-1/EMS Director spoke next and presented the November EMS monthly report. During the month, EMS responded to 158 calls for emergency services, with 170 patient contacts. Of these calls, 94 were street emergencies that resulted in transports to a medical facility, 59 were either stand-by, cancelled in route, lift assist refused transport, no patient contact, DOA, or diverted from the call, or to assist another unit. They had 17 BLS transports and 0 ALS transport. He informed the commission he would give the OES/9-1-1 report at the next meeting.
Commissioners discussed the upgrades at Holly Gray Park and the park board’s request for ARP matching funds for the Land & Water Grant. Ron Facemire and Caleb Harper both spoke to the commissioners concerning the plans which includes upgrades and changes to the playground, tennis and basketball courts, and a parking area. President Lisa Godwin noted that multiple projects have requested ARP funds and there is only $400,000 remaining in the fund. She discussed having a work session before the next regular meeting to prioritize the remaining projects. On a motion by Larry Clifton, the commission tabled any action on the Holly Gray Park project until after the work session.
In regular action, the commission approved the Probate Appointments for November as presented by the Fiduciary Supervisor on a motion by Larry Clifton.
Commission also approved the purchase order request from the Braxton County Sheriff’s Department for the purchase of four tires for the Explorer in the amount of $855.96 from Evan’s Auto Repair.
On a motion by Melvin Gum, the commission approved the Affidavit of the Sheriff as to List of Tax Liens Certified to State of WV, Certified to State, Redeemed Prior to Sale and Suspended by the Sheriff.
Three resolutions, Dog Breeders’ Ordinance, in effect January 1, 2023, BCDA as Lead Economic Development Agent, and Endorsement of Mountaineer Food Bank Industrial Access Road Grant, were approved on separate motions by Larry Clifton.
Revisions to the County Wrecker Policy were approved on action by Larry Clifton. John Hoffman stated that there were no issues to the amendments from the wrecker companies and some were already complying with the changes.
Invoices for County, P-Card and EMS were approved as presented as well as the minutes of the November 18 regular meeting.
The meeting adjourned at 9:26pm. The next regular meeting of the commission will be December 16 at 9:00 am.