Magistrate Beth Smith
October 19: Gerald Michael Stump of Gassaway, driving suspended, no contest plea, fine/court cost assessed.
October 24: David J. Button of Tonawanda, NY, speeding, no contest plea, fine/court costs assessed; Chester Craig Hamrick of Gassaway, expired registration, dismissed proof provided, no proof of insurance, dismissed proof provided; Ervin L. Mitchell of St. Petersburg, FL, speeding, no contest plea, fine/court costs assessed.
October 25: Francis S. Garcia Carranza, District Heights, MD, speeding, no contest plea, fine/court costs assessed; Justin L. Whitaker of Marydel, DE, speeding, guilty plea, fine/court costs assessed and paid; Robert Hearn of Venetia, PA, speeding, no contest plea, fine/court costs assessed; Carl Otis Dawson-Moore of Gassaway, no seatbelt, guilty plea, fine assessed; Franklin Delano Thomas, III of Barrackville, speeding, no contest plea, fine/court costs assessed; Clinton R. Dalton of Daniels, failure to obey stop sign, dismissed, DUI, dismissed, evidence does not support charges beyond a reasonable doubt.
Magistrate David Singleton
October 10: Harry Anderson Sprouse of Maidsville, fugitive from another state, transferred to circuit.
October 17: Kasey Erin Vickers of Alkol, cell phone violation, fine assessed.
October 18: Brandie Leigh Arnett of Napier, possession of marijuana, guilty plea, petit larceny, dismissed per plea, 90 days of jail with credit for time served of five days, remainder suspended and placed on 12 months unsupervised probation, fine/court costs assessed; Thomasina Marie Bennett of Gassaway, disorderly conduct, guilty plea, obstructing an officer, dismissed per plea. fine/court costs assessed; Jason Matthew Rose of Sutton, petit larceny, guilty plea, obstructing an officer, dismissed per plea, 90 days of jail, suspended and placed on 12 months unsupervised probation, fine/court costs assessed; John Bigger, IV of Chloe, no seatbelt, no contest plea, fine assessed and paid; Kelly Ann Mace of Chloe, no seatbelt, no contest plea, fine assessed and paid.
October 19: Kevin Don Drake of Burnsville, sexual abuse in the first degree, sexual abuse by a parent, guardian or custodian, warrant issued, bond set at $25,000 cash only; Keith Meadows of Rosedale, trespassing asked to leave, no contest plea, 30 days of jail with credit for time served of eight days, remainder suspended and placed on eight months unsupervised probation, fine/court cost assessed.
October 20: David Allen Carper of Gassaway, domestic battery-2nd offense, dismissed, victim does not wish to pursue charges; Corey Mark Agosti of Bob White, speeding, no contest plea, fine/court costs assessed; Christopher Loren Lacy of Burnsville, no proof of insurance, dismissed proof provided, no registration, dismissed proof provided; Tyler Helmick of Little Birch, no seatbelt, no contest plea, no proof of insurance, dismissed proof provided; Cody M. Hacker of Gem, no proof of insurance, no contest plea, improper registration, dismissed proof provided; Jason Lee Turner of Strange Creek, failure to pay for gas, guilty plea, driving suspended, guilty plea, fines/court costs assessed; Lukas M. Sartin of Erbacon, obstructing an officer, guilty plea, no proof of insurance, dismissed per plea, no operators, dismissed per plea, 60 days of jail with credit for time served of 17 days, remainder suspended and placed on 12 months unsupervised probation, fine/court costs assessed.
October 21: Gary Lou Ramsey of Gassaway, possession of meth with intent to deliver, warrantless arrest, bond set at $15,000 cash only; Joshua McCourt of Sutton, domestic battery, domestic assault, warrant issued, bond set at $1800 cash or surety; James Denver Criner of Frametown, fraudulent use of access device x8, driving revoked for DUI, preliminary hearing waived, transferred to circuit court, petit larceny, guilty plea, conspiracy, guilty plea, worthless check x2, guilty plea, obstructing an officer, dismissed per plea, credit for time served, fines/court costs assessed; Carli E. Ryan of Sewickly, PA, speeding, no contest plea, fine/court costs assessed and paid; Tony Franklin Burdette, II of Sutton, no proof of insurance, dismissed proof provided, expired registration, dismissed proof provided; Lisa Utt of Sutton, disruption of school, no contest plea, 30 days of jail with credit for time served of seven days, remainder suspended and placed on 12 months unsupervised, probation, fine/court costs assessed; Shannon A. Farrow of Mount Hope, speeding, guilty plea, fine/court costs assessed; William K. Keener, II of Burnsville, possession of meth, guilty plea, fine/court costs assessed.
October 23: Scott Ogorman of Onandaga, NY, possession of cocaine with intent to deliver, conspiracy, warrantless arrest, bond set at $25,000 cash only; Josephine Benedetto of Onandaga, NY, possession of cocaine with intent to deliver, conspiracy, warrantless arrest, bond set at $25,000 cash only.