The Board of Education for Braxton County held their most recent meeting on October 18. It was standing room only in the Board chambers. Board President Evelyn Post opened the meeting with an announcement that the agenda item “request to ratify recommendation for administrative leave with pay pending an ongoing investigation until it is completed” would not be discussed during the meeting. A special meeting will be held at a future date for that discussion. She informed those in the audience wanting to talk about the issue that they could come to the special meeting. One individual requested to still speak with board members. The board went into executive session at 6:04 pm on a motion by Kevin Gregory as it was a personnel issue. They reconvened at 6:14 pm with no decisions made.
Director Kim Dennison provided an overview of the Community In Schools program. She introduced the site coordinators for each school: Cindy Pendry, Davis; Tyler Cunningham, BCHS; Penny Carr, Little Birch; Heather Pritt, Burnsville; Patty Fussell, Frametown; Courtney Shaver, BCMS; Susan Schiefer, Sutton; and Jessica Porto, Flatwoods. Susan Schiefer spoke to board members about the services the CIS program provided for students and their families.
Superintendent Dr. Rhonda Combs gave a brief update to board members on recent activities. She discussed the changes and hiring in personnel. She thanked board member Kevin Gregory for his assistance in the recent active shooter training at the high school. Dr. Combs also discussed the gathering of data on behavior, academics, and attendance for each school and the district as a whole. She hopes to be able to provide the board with an update by the end of November.
Under regular business, the board approved the following consent agenda items motion by Dr. Kenna Seal: September 27 special meeting and October 4 regular meeting minutes with correction to reflect the addition of the parent volunteers for Frametown; transportation requests; payment of bills; and budget transfers and supplements.
The following professional, service and extra-curricular personnel recommendations were approved on two separate motions: resignation of Shirley Skidmore, bus operator, activity run; and employment for Jo Malcomb, special education teacher (itinerant),1/2 time and long term substitute principal, 1/2 time, Burnsville, Daisy Peterson, substitute teacher, Kristy Wood, instructional interventionist, BCHS, Patricia Facemire, virtual school facilitator, BCMS, Marsha Skeens, substitute aide and substitute cook, Breann Baultrippe, substitute aide, C. Dawn Cutlip, secretary II/accountant II, Davis, Veronica Frame, bus operator, activity run and bus #33A, Steven Brown, bus operator, activity run, Shirley Skidmore, bus operator, activity run, Forrest Taylor, head boys basketball coach, BCMS, Robert Lloyd, $1 assistant cross country coach, BCHS; and resignations for Shannon Allen, substitute teacher, Natalie Hissam, principal, Flatwoods, Susan Williams, substitute aide, and Justin Lowther, assistant boys basketball coach, BCMS.
The board approved Ed Given and Scott Dennison to be added to the facilities committee on a motion by Larry Hardway.
On a motion by Dr. Seal, the board approved all fundraisers as they were presented.
Also approved was the request to post for a Behavior Modification Specialist for BCMS, funded through federal funds on a motion by Lisa Ratliff.
Dr. Leatha Williams’ request for accepting the bid received from Hooten Equipment in the amount of $27,220 for new steamers at the middle school was approved on a motion by Kevin Gregory.
The request to travel out-of-state to the National Council of Teachers of Mathematics Regional Conference and Exposition in Baltimore, MD, November 30 to December 3 was approved for Stacey Butler (elementary), Melissa Duckworth (middle school), and Ethan Backus (high school) on a motion by Lisa Ratliff.
The board approved to appoint Lisa Ratliff to the Sick Leave Bank Committee on a motion by Kevin Gregory.
On a motion by Dr. Seal, the 3-step pay increase for Math and Special Education teachers was approved.
The board went back into executive session at 7:15 pm for a discussion on pending litigation on a motion by Kevin Gregory.
They reconvened and adjourned the meeting at 7:57 pm. The next regular meeting is scheduled for November 1 at 6:00 pm. As always, members of the Braxton County community are encouraged to attend regular board meetings. Anyone wishing to speak as a delegate or with public concerns may do so by signing in up to 15 minutes prior to the start of the meeting.