Braxton Citizens' News, Town Meeting

Sutton Council has busy session

The Sutton Town Council held a meeting on October 23th. The meeting was called to order at 6:00 pm by Mayor JD Hoover. He opened the meeting by speaking about the recent National Recognition that the Sutton Elementary received. He stated he would coordinate with the school to do recognition from the town as well.

Jon Crum spoke about lowering the wattage of the streetlights at the Elk River Hotel & Café. He said he would contact Mon Power.

Recorder Laurel Petolicchio discussed individuals coming to her with historic photos. She discussed continuing the work on making the council chambers a museum for the town.

Ann Gum asked about work on South Industrial. Robyn Dolan informed her that paving would start next and residents would be notified on Friday. She also asked that all council members get any issues they see with streets in town to her so she can get a complete list to discuss with WVDOH. Dolan also asked for a list of issues with street signs as well.

Artist Bill Hopen came and addressed the council about his recent trip to Idaho and brought greetings from their town mayor. The sculpture installation was a success. He updated the Council on his plans to acquire the burned out building next door to his and to turn it into a sculpture garden with a clear roof cover and secure front doors with a historical look. It will remain open during the day and be closed at night for security. He asked permission to cut the sidewalk to make a ramp where he can pull in a truck to clean out the building and in the future to unload sculptures without obstructing the road. He is also going to replace the old boards in front of his studio with clear Plexiglas garage doors for a more eye appealing frontage. Recorder Petolicchio congratulated him on his success and his willingness to bring the old buildings back to life. She asked that the sidewalk cutout take into consideration handicap access to the sidewalk. The council asked Hopen to fill out a building permit and plan for the next meeting.

Catherine Hoover noted that since the riding mower was no longer functioning Ron Casto had mowed the lot above the school apartments and would do it again one more time before winter.

Council reviewed the two bids for salt spreaders. Jon Crum, with a second by Robyn Dolan made the motion to purchase the “Salt Dog” salt spreader on the condition that the bed of the truck be measured to make sure the new one would fit correctly.

Mayor Hoover requested to have a designated parking spot for law enforcement in front of the town building.

Jon Crum brought up the random trashcan that sits on corner of Third Street and Main Street. Municipal Clerk Robin Smith said she would contact the trash company and have it removed.

Council discussed the replacement of 19 ceiling tiles in the community building. Beth Atkins gave an update on the ongoing search for a stairlift or elevator for public access to the community building.

Recorder Laurel Petolicchio reported on the recent State Auditor’s meeting. All municipalities would need to transition into taking credit card payments in person and online by March. There were two proposals presented to the council. The ordinances would also have to be updated to reflect charges for fees. The issue was tabled until the following meeting.

Mayor Hoover asked if the council would make exceptions for the rental fees for the upstairs room for class reunions. It was decided that the price was already set to cover only water and electrical use so it would remain the same.

Beth Atkins mentioned that the Farmers Market banners had not been taken down for the season. The status of the Port-a-Potty the water winterization was also discussed. Jon Crum said he would check on that.

Beth Atkins and Catherine Hoover presented the purchased banners for the town. Plans are to start on Monday to get the banners up throughout town.

Beth Atkins made the motion to approve the minutes from September 22 and the special meeting on October 3, seconded by Catherine Hoover.

The payment of bills was approved on motion by Robyn Dolan with a second by Jon Crum.

Beth Atkins made the motion to accept the construction permits for 103 3rd Street and 703 N. 3rd Street.

Jon Crum updated the council on the status of the ordinances. He went over changes that needed to be considered. This is still a rough draft and nothing was voted on.

The previous winning sealed bid for the surplus police cruiser was a practical joke by a disgruntled person. The notice of accepting bids was placed back in the paper. Recorder Laurel Petolicchio said that this must be the last as the state requires an in person auction only. 

Recorder Laurel Petolicchio reiterated the need for a building for the town to secure town vehicles and equipment due to recent vandalism.

Gary Beamer was absent again for his presentation on the Christmas Parade. Municipal Clerk Robin Smith gave an update to council members.

Laurel Petolicchio requested permission from the council to close down 4th street on December 10 for the Yeti Festival as last year’s event brought in around 400 people even in the bad weather. Jon Crum asked what the protocol for closing streets is. Petolicchio explained that with any road closure, the town, fire department, police department and county should all clear it. She has been doing this with both festivals. The Mayor suggested that there be some changes and better communication regarding port-a-potties for festival. Laurel said that due to the fact this was a private organization, the town couldn’t provide them and the committee had ordered five which was sufficient with the other bathrooms available including the two handicap accessible ones built for the summer event. Plans were made months in advance and the event had a positive impact on the town.  Beth Atkins made a motion that 4th Street be closed for the event. Robyn Dolan seconded the motion. The motion passed with Recorder Petolicchio abstaining due to personal involvement with the event.

The meeting was adjourned at 8:12pm. The next regular meeting is scheduled for October 27 at 6:00 pm.