The County Commission received good news at their latest meeting last Friday, September 16. John Hoffman, County OES Director told the Commission that the Sutton Volunteer Fire Department, who made the application for the FEMA Firefighter Assistance Grant on behalf of the County, had received preliminary notification that the grant in the amount of $1.1 million had been approved. That grant, which only requires a $50,000 local match, will be used to purchase a new ladder truck for the county. Hoffman said that official word from federal representatives should be forthcoming. He added, that in the meantime the county Fire Chiefs would be looking for a suitable apparatus.
Hoffman also requested permission to hire Philip B. Grubb as a full-time EMT/driver for the Ambulance Service. Grubb will be paid $13.50 per hour with full county benefits and serve a 90-day probationary period. That request was approved on a motion by Larry Clifton.
Hoffman also verbally discussed the 9-1-1, EMS monthly activity report and told the Commissioners that a hard copy of the information would be emailed later that day.
Gary Beamer addressed the Commission concerning the Town of Sutton’s use of the Courthouse Square for the Sutton Fall Festival on October 1. After explaining his intentions, Melvin Gum made a motion to approve the request.
A motion introduced by Larry Clifton approved the short form settlements for the following as presented by the Fiduciary Supervisor: Rose Ann Dennison, Lawrence B. Dodge, Mabel J. Hall, Walkeria Joy Hudkins, Roy C. Huffman, Iva Lee Jackson, William Jackson, Barbara B. Lake, Minnie Jean Nottingham, James Earney Rollyson, Don Silbaugh, Lester C. Singleton, Rodney Allen Teters, Dana C. Wilson, Kenneth Lee Wine, and Eula D. Young.
The Commission also approved the correction of erroneous assessment for Keith Crihfield and Virgie Sands Escrow.
A single purchase order was approved. The Sheriff’s Tax Office will purchase a laser printer from Software Systems Inc. at a cost of $749.
Larry Clifton’s motion authorized the County Clerk’s list of poll workers for the upcoming General Election.
Melvin Gum made a motion to approve a resolution for the county to participate in the WV County Records Management and Preservation Grant Program.
Following a brief discussion, the Commission set October 21 at 10:00 a.m. as the time and date for a hearing in the Halman Nettles estate.
The Commission renewed their contract with Johnson Controls for fire alarm maintenance and testing.
With two separate motions the Commission accepted the resignation of of Ronald Burroughs from the Braxton Cunty Recreational Development Authority and to advertise for interested individuals who may wish to fill the position.
The final acts of the brief session were to approve the county and EMS bills for payment and the minutes of the Commission’s September 2 meeting.
The next regular meeting of the Braxton County Commission will be on October 7 beginning at 9:00 a.m.