By Shirley Shuman
In the Chick Fil-A meet last Saturday, the Knights finished third out of nine teams. Leah Payne placed fourth at 14:17, and Reece Carpenter seventh out of 106 girls. Her time was 14:43. Both received medals.
Coach Robert Lloyd said, “The sun was out in full force by the time the girls’ race began. [They did very well on this course and competed to the very end.” Runners from 23 schools competed in the girls’ race.
Braxton boys finished eighth out of 13 teams with runners from 22 schools competing. Holden Lloyd and Ira Ransbottom led the boys’ team. Lloyd finished 28th out of 139 runners, and Ransbottom came in 31st. Coach Lloyd pointed out that this was the first meet in which the boys were able to compete as a team. He also emphasized that, for some, this was their first time running in a cross-country meet.