At their regular meeting on July 15, the Braxton County Commission announced that they would host a special meeting for area resident to voice complaints regarding poor and/or inadequate phone service provided by Frontier Communications. The event, which is open to the public, will be held on July 28 at the Braxton County Senior Center beginning at 2:00 p.m. Commission President Lisa Godwin said representatives of the Public Service Commission and Frontier Communications have been invited to attend. The Commission will also field input from the pubic by phone. Those who can not attend the public meeting are encouraged to call 304-765-2835 during regular business hours.
During the meeting, one of the items on the agenda was Burnsville Lake waterline. Shane Whitehair, Executive Director of Region VII Planning and Development Council was on hand to discuss the matter with the Commission. Whitehair explained that his agency on behalf of the Burnsville Water Authority was pursuing funding for the relocation of a waterline that is currently in Burnsville Lake to land along the lake that will service the Bulltown Campground and other improvement in the area.
The representative further explained that the project was projected to cost $6.6 million. Grand funds, currently on track, would amount to $4.4 million with $2.2 million coming other sources. Whitehair requested that the Commission allocate $125,000 of their American Recover Plan (ARP) funds, to the project. Following the discussion, Larry Clifton made a motion to approve the request.
Addi Facemire, Director of Braxton County Testing Services was first to appear before the Commission. She gave a report on activities of her agency for the month of June. She told the Commission they BCTS had conducted 100 drug screens and that two individuals had successfully completed the terms of their home confinement and had been released.
John Hoffman, OES/9-1-1/EMS Director brought several items before the Commission. He presented monthly reports for both the OES/9-1-1 and EMS. A total of 2,754 calls came into Braxton Control during the month of June. Of those 678 resulted in some type of emergency response. Local law enforcement agency received 183 of those calls; 177 were fire department related; 170 were EMS and 2 resulted in field responses by the Office of Emergency Services (OES).
Hoffman also reviewed the month EMS breakdown prepared by EMS Supervisor Kenny Summers.
The Director requested Barbara Adams, Jody Beall and Fred Thompson be reappointed to three-year terms on the Braxton County E-9-1-1 Advisory Board. That request was granted via a motion by Larry Clifton.
Hoffman stated that Telecommunicator Brent Moore was taking his retirement and would like to be changed from a full-time to part-time employee. In lieu of the vacancy, Hoffman requested that Philip McKown be moved from part-time to full-time. McKown will receive full county benefits and $12.00 per hour. The request drew the unanimous approval of the Commission.
In other business, the Commission approved the short form settlements as presented by the Fiduciary Supervisor for George Dewey Keener Jr., Norma Sue Robinson, John W. Shaw Sr., and Thomas Edward Tichner.
Correction of Erroneous Assessments were approved for the following: Cynthia Wilson, Russell & Carol Facmire, Jason & Sarah Rexroad, Jeremy Sears, John W Kennen Jr., and Rebecca Shaver estate.
Three purchase orders were up for consideration. Before acting on the requests Larry Clifton made a motion to void PO# 744 to Amazon for LED flashlights due to not having a charge account with the company. PO# 752 was the first to be approved. The Sheriff’s Law Enforcement Division will purchase 6 LED Stinger Flashlights from Galls at a cost of $1,170.53.
The Sheriff will also benefit from a purchase order to Evans Auto for $1,142.21 for 4 tires, brake pads and an oil change to the 2014 Ford Taurus cruiser.
The final purchase order approved authorized Bay Diesel Corporation to repair a generator at the 9-1-1 Center at a cost of $639.72
Following a brief discussion, Larry Clifton made a motion to proceed with gathering prices toward purchasing bullet proof vests for the Animal Control Officer and the Process Server.
The Commission voted to raise the mileage reimbursement rate to 62.5 cents per mile for county employees and office holders in light of the rising gasoline prices. That process will be monitored and adjusted if the price at the pumps falls significantly.
Melvin Gum made a motion to renew the agreement with Global Science & Technology Inc. to license, maintain and support the County’s website for one year, beginning July 1, 2022, at a cost of $1,995.
The Commission approved the purchase of a new riding lawnmower for the Animal Shelter not to exceed $2,500.
Commission President Lisa Godwin outlined an upcoming public meeting to voice concerns and complaints regarding Frontier phone service. (See accompanying article for details.)
Following a review Melvin Gum made a motion to approve the county and EMS invoices.
A separate motion approved the minutes of the Commission’s July 1 meeting.
Being no further business, the meeting adjourned at 9:32 a.m. The next regular meeting of the Braxton County Commission will convene at 9:00 a.m. on August 5.