The Braxton County Commission officially approved the purchase of a piece of property near the Courthouse at their first meeting of the new fiscal year last Friday.
Under the topic of old business, Melvin Gum made a motion to allow Commission President Lisa Godwin to sign necessary papers to complete the purchase of property commonly known at the “old C&P Telephone building,” located at 402 Riverview Drive next to the Sutton Post Office. President Godwin explained that the necessary paperwork was being prepared by Sutton Attorney Bernard Mauser to be executed upon the finalization of the title search. The purchase price is $135,000 and will be paid for with ARP (America Rescue Plan) funds. The motion was seconded by Larry Clifton and received unanimous approval of the Commission.
In a related matter, a purchase order was approved for the Commission to purchase a forklift and seven commercial shelving units from the building owner, Doug Conant at a cost of $1,500.
John Hoffman, County OES, 9-1-1, EMS Director was the only person to address the Commission during their brief Friday session. He requested permission to hire Jennifer Manahan as a part-time, on call dispatcher effective July 5. On the EMS side, Hoffman requested the reappointment of three members to the Braxton County Emergency Ambulance Service Authority Board. Barbara Adams, Fred Thompson and Keith Dancy were each approved for additional 3-year terms. Also, for EMS, Hoffman requested permission to change Erica P. Burnham from part-time to full-time status. Her pay will remain $10.00 per hour with full county benefits. She will serve a 90-day probationary period. All three requests were granted.
In other action, Larry Clifton made a motion to approve the Probate Appointments for the month of June as submitted.
In addition to the forklift and shelving, two other purchase orders were approved via separate motions. The County Commission will purchase 2 Glock 17 – 9mm handguns for the Annex Security officers at a cost of $828.00. Braxton Control will purchase three chair mats for the dispatch consoles at a cost of $634.59.
Two motions were approved pertaining to the Braxton County Solid Waste Authority. Gary Davis’ appointment effective dates were revised to July 1, 2022, to June 30, 2024. The Commission will also advertise for interested persons wishing to fill the reminder of the Board seat previously held by Wilda Skidmore.
Following a review, separate motions approved the County and EMS bills for payment as well as the minutes of the Commission’s June 16 meeting.
Being no additional business to consider, the meeting adjourned at 9:15 a.m. The next regular meeting of the Braxton County Commission will convene on July 15 at 9:00 a.m.