The Common Council of the Town of Burnsville met in regular session on March 14.
A prayer was led by John Verton prior to the meeting being called to order at 6:00 pm by Mayor, Paul Bragg.
Those in attendance included city officials: Becky Jackson, Tom Crutchfield, John Verton, Steve Wine, Kisha Verton, Paul Bragg and Angela Morgan; citizen Donna Summers; city employees Pam Wine, Jim Ball and Matt Kesling.
Following a review, Steve Wine made a motion to approve the minutes and financials.
Donna Summers provided council with pictures of a property on Academy Street that needed to be cleaned up. She also said this resident was letting their dog do its business on private property and it was causing an odor which could be corrected with lime or pick up. Council discussed other properties in town where junk has been accumulating and said letters needed to be sent out.
Police Chief Jim Ball reported on an arrest his department made at Go-Mart; having to run people off the interstate that was still looking for change from the Brinks truck wreck; shoplifting, trespassing complaints and the assist in an arrest of someone charged with trafficking.
Mayor Bragg provided briefings on the following: WV State Auditor, re: Approved audit contract extension, ISO, re: Public Protection Classification, Braxton Co. Sheriff, re: Property tax revenue, and WV State Auditor, re: IRP/Public Utility revenue.
Under the topice of Unfinished Business: John Verton provided council with information on cameras that could be purchased online. After discussion, John made a motion to get quotes from security companies for full service cameras, seconded by Becky, motion carried.
The heaters for the utility were discussed and it was determined that more information was needed from Rich’s Refrigeration as to the brand and warranty information on the heaters in their quote.
Pam Wine informed council that the grant she had been looking into for the mini truck was not going to be available to the town. She presented council with lease/purchase options from Country Roads Leasing and what payments would be if the council wanted to pursue that option. She also advised that approximately $4,000 was owed on current lease purchases and suggested going ahead and paying those off prior to taking on a new payment. Tom Crutchfield made a motion to approve the purchase of the mini truck contingent on paying off the current lease purchases, seconded by John, motion carried.
Under New Business the Council reviewed the FY 2022/23 budget. Steve Wine made a motion to approve the document as presented, motion carried.
The final item on the agenda was the payment of bills which was approved via a motion by Steve Wine.
The meeting adjourned at 7:39 p.m.