Saturday, April 16th is National Healthcare Decisions Day (NHDD), a nationwide initiative that encourages adults of all ages to plan ahead of a health crisis. When health decisions are made ahead of time, those wishes are put in writing, which brings peace of mind for the individual and their families. “The issue of knowing what to do in a serious health situation helps to eliminate the stress of making tough decisions for you and/or a loved one,” says a WV Caring spokesperson. “This takes the burden away from wondering if you have done what your loved one wanted.”
It is important to enable your caregivers to advocate for you when you are unable to do so for yourselves. That way it is more likely to avoid the difficult situations that are so common when you or your loved become seriously ill, and you are left to guess what they would have wanted.
WV Caring will be available this week to help individuals to do their advance directives for free at each local office. On Thursday, April 14th, the social worker will be available at WV Caring’s Burnsville office located at 77 Mike and Ike’s Plaza, Burnsville, WV. This service will be available from 11 AM-12 PM. Anyone needing additional information, is encouraged to call WV Caring at 1-800-350-1161.