The Braxton County Board of Education opened their most recent meeting on April 5 by recognizing Math Field Day winners. All first thru third place winners were announced and recognized for their achievements. Present to receive their awards were the following students, Emma Liston, Claire Duckworth, Holden Lloyd, Bailey McCallister, Audrey Duckworth, Owen McCallister, and Adam Cosner.
The next big item discussed was the approval of the lowest bid for the Braxton County Middle School gymnasium floor and bleachers renovation. The two bids that had been received for the project were presented by Chris Campbell, representative of ZMM Architects. On a motion by Evelyn Post, with a second by Dr. Kenna Seal, the board approved the bid of $217,412, submitted by City Construction Company of Clarksburg, which will include a refinishing and widening the floor, painting new graphics and new bleachers with the seating capacity of 440 individuals. The winning bid also included two additional bids for the wall safety pads under the baskets and painting the walls of the gym. Over $14,000 has been raised to go toward the project which will begin in the summer and should be completed by mid-October.
Campbell also discussed the flooding issue at Flatwoods Elementary. He recommended hiring someone to camera the drainage lines to check for obstructions and blockages. His company recommends then to place a concrete ditch near the playground for water flow to connect to perimeter drain lines.
Rebecca DeNuzzo spoke to the board with the two calendar options developed by the calendar committee for the upcoming school year. The two calendars are very similar with just a few minor differences in the some of the holiday breaks. Graduation is set for May 19 in both calendars.
Two individuals requested to speak to the board. The first, Marcy Westfall, requested she speak to board members in executive session. The board went into the session at 6:34 pm and reconvened at 7:08 pm.
Dylan Johnson spoke to the board next with his concerns on the change of time of the Senior Scholarship Awards Ceremony. In the past, the awards ceremony has been conducted in the evening allowing parents and scholarship presenters to attend. This year the ceremony has been changed to 1:30 pm in the afternoon. The change was stated to allow for entire student body to see the amount of scholarships available. Johnson noted it will be hard for parents and donors to attend. He asked the board to investigate the matter and have the high school administration change the time back to the evening.
Board member Evelyn Post announced the superintendent search was still ongoing. President DeAnna Whipkey stated the posting for the position would be going out by next week.
Superintendent Kathy Hypes reminded everyone that spring break starts on April 11. Also, the WV General Summative Assessment begins on April 25.
Under regular business, board members approved the following consent agenda items on a motion by Dr. Martha Dean: approval of March 15 meeting minutes; transportation requests; payment of bills; budget transfers and supplements; and treasurer’s report. Board member Dolores Wright asked Facilities Director Brenda Wells to look into the water bill at the bus garage. She noted it was extremely high for this period.
Board members went into executive session again at 7:17 pm to discuss an employee suspension. They reconvened at 7:53 pm. After the executive session, the board approved the following professional, service and extra-curricular personnel recommendations on a motion by Dolores Wright: employment of Melissa Strong, from first grade, Flatwoods to Title I teacher, Little Birch, Jamie Lemon, from LD/BD/MI/AU teacher, BCHS, to history teacher, BCHS, Jami Hefner, extended day transition specialist (part-time), Sherry Moats, substitute aide and substitute cook, Madeline Wankmuller, substitute cook, and Chelsea Hosey, custodian, BCMS/board office; resignations for Leslie Shiflet, teacher, BCHS, Marissa Fargnoli-Peterson, elementary music teacher, and Rodney Pritt, assistant football coach, BCHS; leave of absence for Patrick Facemire, extend unpaid medical leave through end of the school year; and suspension of employee A, teacher, three days without pay.
The board approved Policy 3125: Extra-Duty Assignments-Service Personnel on a motion by Dr. Seal. Superintendent Hypes noted that no comments had been made on the policy that laid out guidance for extra-duty assignments for service personnel.
On two separate motions, the board approved Linda Jenkins as parent volunteer for the BCHS Greenhouse and the fundraisers that were presented.
The meeting was adjourned at 8:01 pm. The next regular meeting is scheduled for April 19 at 6:00 pm. As always, members of the Braxton County community are encouraged to attend regular board meetings. Any parent or concerned community member wishing to speak as a delegate or with public concerns may do so by signing in up to 15 minutes prior to the start of the meeting.