With all members present, the Braxton County Commission met in regular session last Friday, February 18. Commission President Lisa Godwin called the meeting to order at 9:00 a.m.
First to address the body was Addie Facemire new director of Braxton County Drug Testing Services. Facemire reported on the activities of her agency for the month of January. She told the Commission that 84 drug screenings had been conducted and that two individuals had completed the requirements of their home confinement and were released.
John Hoffman, OES/9-1-1/EMS Director, joined the meeting by telephone due to recent surgery. He reviewed an activity report for the communication’s center. It revealed that Braxton Control had fielded a total of 2,291 calls during the month of January. Of those, 594 were emergency related. One hundred and eighty were transferred to various law enforcement agencies in the county, 114 to local fire departments, and 150 to EMS. Hoffman also detailed recent storm activities in the county.
John Forbush, owner of Braxton Auto & Diesel Repair, was next to address the body. He presented them with an application to be placed on the county wrecker rotation list. Commission President Godwin stated that she would have OES Director Hoffman review the application.
Sheriff Lou DellaMea requested permission to advertising for a part-time court bailiff to fill a vacancy on his staff. The request was granted on a motion by Larry Clifton.
Later in the meeting, the Commission reviewed bids submitted by the Sheriff’s Department to purchase two new and one used cruiser for the organization which had been tabled from the previous meeting. Following a review, the request was granted.
The Commission approved the short form settlements for the following as submitted by the Fiduciary Supervisor: Madaline M. Getch, Michael Austin Lane, Alvie Loyd, Nelda R. Mallory, Lillian G. Taylor, and Edith Marie Wyne.
Larry Clifton introduced action to approve two applications for correction of erroneous assessments. There were for Angie Short and Jamey & Tonya McCauley.
Only one purchase order was up for consideration. The County Clerk requested permission to buy a new laser jet printer for her office from Complied Technologies at a cost of $1,410.27. Melvin Gum’s motion led to the approval of the request.
A motion by Larry Clifton granted permission for the county to participate in the County Commissioners Association of West Virginia’s statewide County Government Essay Contest. Commissioners will individually join Braxton Newspaper in providing $100 each to be used as prize money in the contest. Local winners will compete for statewide prizes.
The Commission reviewed a request by Liberty National Insurance to speak with county employees about their services. The request was granted through a motion introduced by Larry Clifton.
A resolution was adopted that allowed the county to file an application for a Community Development Block Grant on behalf of the Flatwoods Canoe Run PSD for the 3rd phase of the Exchange waterline extension project.
A motion by Melvin Gum authorized the President to sign a memorandum of understanding concerning local government distribution of Opioid Funds by the Attorney General.
The Commission reviewed, prior to approval, a request to reappoint Sheba Kendig to the Braxton County Board of Health.
Following a discussion, a motion by Larry Clifton gave the President permission to rent a building to house surplus county equipment in preparation for an upcoming auction, if a suitable location could be found.
After review, Melvin Gum made a motion to authorize payment of the county and EMS invoices.
The final action was the approval of the minutes of the Commission’s February 4 meeting as presented by the County Clerk. The meeting adjourned at 9:27 a.m. The next regular meeting of the Braxton County Commission will be on March 4 beginning at 9:00 a.m.