Town Meeting

Sutton gets new Police officer, Municipal Judge

The Sutton Town Council met for a regular meeting on Thursday, January 27 in the council chambers on the first floor of the Municipal building. Mayor JD Hoover called the meeting to order at 6:00pm.

Present were Mayor JD Hoover and council members Steve Facemire, Catherine Hoover, Robyn Dolan, Marsha Lloyd, Beth Atkins, and Municipal Clerk, Robin Smith. Absent was Recorder Laurel Petolicchio, due to illness. Also present were Shane Boggs, Rodney Jamison, Judge Richard Facemire, Geary White, Laura Cottrill, and John Crum.

The council recognized a Moment of Silence for death of Richard Bender’s mother and Laurel Petolicchio’s husband.

A highlight of the meeting was Judge Richard Facemire completed the swearing in of Police Officer Shane Boggs and Municipal Judge Rodney Jamison.

Mayor Hoover shared a letter from Senator Joe Manchin stating that the town’s Congressionally Direct

Spending request was not selected. He encouraged them to apply again next year.

Laura Cottrill stated that the old bridge at the head of town, by Elk Hotel needs upkeep. Also the stairs going up the hill, at the end of the main bridge, need cleaned of ice. Several street lights were identified as not working.

Council approved the January 13 regular meeting minutes and the January 11 work session minutes with one correction. At the work session the SCDC projects were reviewed not approved.

Robyn Dolan moved and Steve Facemire seconded to pay all bills as presented. Beth Atkins moved and Steve Facemire seconded to accept financial report as presented.

The council discussed that some parking meters are not working and some keys are broken.

Robyn Dolan reported on streets that the DOH is responsible for and provided map of one side of town.  She will get the second page to council. Beth Atkins reported that Flint Lane is part of a street that is on the town map. Steve Facemire reported that it is being plowed when needed. Catherine Hoover reported that there was a pole leaning at Industrial Circle and there needs to be signs for Industrial Circle and South Parkway. Steve Facemire will check on these.

The council discussed US Cellular providing cell phone service for the town and Walmart donating a laptop after February 1.

Catherine Hoover moved and Steve Facemire seconded to accept the proposal from Waste Management for removal of tires from the town dump. Motion passed unanimously.

Old parking meter parts will be taken to Coffman’s Metals.

Steve Facemire will look at the tractor trailer that is left in the town dump.

Council discussed the upstairs bathroom plumbing problem that has been identified but not fixed yet. It was suggested that they make one unisex bathroom that is handicap accessible and use the other bathroom for storage/cleaning supplies.

Beth Atkins reported on inquiries regarding a Bruno Stair Lift. The stairs have been measured and she is waiting for the quote. Steve Facemire is looking into an elevator that can be installed in the lobby.  Beth Atkins moved, Catherine Hoover seconded to advertise for bids for replumbing the entire building, giving priority to in-county licensed plumber then expand the search outside the county if necessary.

The council discussed needing to work on ordinances before changing town fees. Steve Facemire moved and Marsha Lloyd seconded to have a work session to work on ordinances Wednesday, February 2 at 9:00 am.

Beth Atkins moved and Robyn Dolan seconded to have a work session to work on the budget, Thursday, February 17 at 9:00am.

The upcoming Surplus Sale was discussed. Working the sale will be JD Hoover, Beth Atkins, Robyn Dolan, and Catherine Hoover. Beth Atkins will get the key and cash for change.

Steve Facemire moved and Robyn Dolan seconded to approve the list of paid holidays for town employees with the stipulation that the employees must work the day before and after the holiday in order to receive the holiday pay.

Marsha Lloyd moved and Steve Facemire seconded to have another public hearing during our next regular meeting, February 10 to hear public’s ideas on how to spend the funds. Advertisement will continue in the county papers with the amount of money the town is to receive. Motion passed unanimously.

Steve Facemire moved and Beth Atkins seconded to go into executive session to discuss personnel. Motion passed unanimously. Council went into executive session at 7:40. They returned to regular session at 8:15 pm. Steve Facemire moved and Robyn Dolan seconded to adjourn the meeting at 8:15 pm. The next regular town council meeting is scheduled for February 10 at 6:00 pm.