The Sutton Town Council met for a regular meeting on Thursday, January 13, 2022 in the Council Chambers on the first floor of the Municipal Building. Mayor JD Hoover called the meeting to order at 6:00 pm.
Present were Council members: Steve Facemire, Catherine Hoover, Robyn Dolan, Marsha Lloyd, Beth Atkins, and Municipal Clerk, Robin Smith. Absent: Recorder Laurel Petolicchio, due to illness. Also present were: Dot Gioulis, Fernando Rodriguez, Sally Stewart, Rodney Jamison, Shane Boggs, Ryan Jarvis, Spencer Hall, and Deborah Minnich
Mayor Hoover recognized Brittany Fowler and Noah McCumbers for their hard work and initiative during the town’s first snow storm.
Sally Stewart spoke on behalf of Just One Generation, a program to help the feral cat problem in Sutton. Robyn Dolan made a motion, seconded by Beth Atkins to pay 1/3 of the costs (approximately $400) for the spay/neuter/testing/euthanasia if needed of the feral cats that they can catch. A notice will be given to the community before that cat traps are set.
Dot Gioulis spoke on behalf of the SCDC – Sutton Community Development Corp. She shared with the council a brochure from FASTERWV, a program to help start new businesses. She also discussed the progress of the Elk River Trail. A consultant will be in the area in February. There will be public meetings about the Elk River Trail in March. The consultant will present the town with their report in August. The next SCDC meeting will be the 3rd Tuesday in February.
The construction permit approval was moved forward on the agenda. Steve Facemire made a motion, seconded by Catherine Hoover to approve the construction permit for Deborah Minnich at 100 N Main St.
Steve Facemire made a motion, seconded by Catherine Hoover to accept the minutes of the December 9, 2021 regular meeting with the addition of Vivian Parsons added to those in attendance.
Beth Atkins made a motion, seconded by Robyn Dolan to accept the financial report and pay bills.
Steve Facemire and Marsha Lloyd discussed which roads belong to the town, county owned or private. Robyn Dolan will talk to DOH to clarify which roads they plow or provide materials for the town to take care of. Beth will get clarification about Flint Lane.
Street issues at Birch Street, Billy Hall residence, and N. Baxter Street at Shingler residence were also discussed.
Marsha Lloyd stated that Walmart would provide a laptop for a police officer after the position was filled. Steve made a motion, seconded by Marsha Lloyd to table the decision about a cell phone until the next meeting. The motion passed unanimously.
Catherine Hoover made a motion, seconded by Steve Facemire to accept the proposal from Waste Management to remove the town trash truck and its contents at no cost to the town. Motion passed with a vote of four to one.
The collection of tires in the town dump that were inherited by this administration is overwhelming. A location for shredding tires will be looked into.
Beth Atkins read the exact wording of the deed transferring property from Craig Smith to the town of Sutton.
The council discussed the removal of wall between upstairs bathrooms to bring up to code. Marsha Lloyd made a motion, seconded by Robyn Dolan to table the matter until the next meeting until the bathroom situation is reviewed.
Beth Atkins reported that a representative of Bruno Stair Lift Company from Huntington will come to the community building Tuesday Jan. 19 at 9:00 to give an estimate for a lift to make the upstairs of the community building handicap accessible.
Steve Facemire will check into an elevator system that could be installed for the same purpose.
There are still problems with the plumbing in the upstairs bathroom. The company who did the work will be called back to fix these problems. Discussion of replumbing of the entire building will be put on the next agenda.
Steve Facemire made a motion, seconded by Marsha Lloyd to keep the town’s insurance as it is. The motion passed with a vote of four to one.
Town fees were discussed. A list will be presented at the next meeting for a vote.
Marsha Lloyd is looking into parking meters and writing a policy for parking permits.
A request was made that the town clerk walks through Sutton and make sure all businesses have a business license.
Steve Facemire reported that two maple trees in front of the Marie Kidd house are dying and loosing limbs making it hazardous to walk or park in that area. The power company has been notified and the trees will be removed. The limbs will be shredded and left on the property for the owners to remove.
Catherine Hoover made a motion, seconded by Steve Facemire to approve the construction permit for Argyle Davis at Fairview Circle.
Council went into executive session at 7:42pm.
Council returned to regular session at 9:00 pm.
Steve Facemire made a motion, seconded by Catherine Hoover to hire Shane Boggs as Police Commissioner.
Beth Atkins made a motion, seconded by Robyn Dolan to hire Rodney Jamison as Municipal Court Judge.
Steve Facemire made a motion, seconded by Catherine Hoover promote Brittany Fowler to Supervisor of town workers. Beth Atkins made a motion, seconded by Steve Facemire to adjourn. Meeting adjourned at 9:20 pm.