The Braxton Democrat

Democrat-Central to change publication day

The weather got us this week… that’s the reason your paper is a day later getting to your favorite news stand or mailbox. While bad weather led to this delay, the newspaper management has been exploring the possibility of a permanent change for some time.
Currently, the Citizens’ News and Democrat-Central go to press on Monday and Tuesday. By moving the print day for the Democrat to Wednesday more up-to-the-minute news can be provided. “We also believe there is a benefit to our advertisers in having our papers distributed on Tuesdays and Thursdays,” explained Publisher Ed Given. “So, after due consideration we have decided to make this change permanent.”
The Democrat-Central will be available at vendors on Thursday morning and should be in the mailbox of most in-county mail subscribers on Friday. The Citizens’ News will continue on its regular Tuesday distribution schedule.
As always we invite your comment on this and all aspects of your county newspapers.