The first order of business at the County Commission’s initial meeting of 2022 was the election of a president of the body. Commission Larry Clifton made a motion that Lisa Godwin continue as president for the coming calendar year. That action was seconded by Melvin Gum. Godwin thanked her fellow Commissioners for the “vote of confidence”.
Also as statutorily required, the Commission voted to continue to meet on the first and third Fridays of each month with the exception of the second meeting in June which will be on Thursday, June 16 due to a holiday.
A motion by Larry Clifton approved the holiday schedule for county employees which currently includes 15 paid holiday, plus whatever additional ones the Commission may approve.
The Commission also approved timesheet and payroll schedule, Board of Equalization meeting schedule as well as the county’s surety bonds at the City National Bank.
Commission President Lisa Godwin introduced April Lloyd who was recently hired by the Braxton County Health Department as Administrator.
John Hoffman, County OES, EMS and 9-1-1 Director was first to address the Commission. Hoffman gave those in attendance an update on recent inclement weather in the county. Hoffman presented several requests to hire 9-1-1 and EMS staff. He requested that Laura Wilson be elevated from part to full-time as a 9-1-1 Dispatcher. He stated that her rate of pay would be $12.00 with full county benefits retroactive to January 7. He added that Wilson would server a 90 probationary period.
Hoffman requested that Philip T. McKown, David Lee and Alexis Sligar be employed as part-time on call dispatchers effective January 10. McKown and Lee’s pay will be $9.00 with no county benefits. Sligar will receive $13.50 per hour with benefits since she is an existing county employee. All three will be subjected to a 90-day probationary period as well as background and pre-employment drug screening.
Hoffman’s final request was that Glenna Vance Rose be hired as a full-time EMT/Driver effective January 10. She will be paid $13.50 per hour with full county benefits. She too will service a 90-day probational period. All three requests were approved via separate motions.
In other action, the Commission approved the probate appointments for the month of December 2021.
The Commission approved an application for correction of erroneous assessments from David M. Smith on a motion introduced by Melvin Gum.
It was Larry Clifton who made a motion to approve the consolidation of contiguous tracts of land for tax purposes for Michael E. and Marsha J. Rexroad.
The Commission approved four purchase order requests. They included: Motorola Solutions Inc. $105,976.79 to replace the CAD Dispatch System at the 9-1-1 Center; Midstate Chevrolet will perform repairs to the Sheriff’s 2013 ford Taurus at a cost of $3,014,69; General Appliance LLC will replace a cast iron receiver tank and pump assembly for the Courthouse heating system at a cost of $3,716.00; The County Clerk will purchase additional recording books and indexes from Casto & Harris at a cost of $617.70 plus freight.
Following a brief explanation from Deputy County Clerk Shelia Butler, the Commission adopted a policy for medical emergency absentee voting.
Butler also elaborated on the proposed change in magisterial boundaries to coincide with the recently completed census. That order ws approved on a motion by Larry Clifton.
Clifton also introduced action to authorize a letter be sent to the state, requesting they continue to make changes to taxes after January 15, 2022.
Melvin Gum made a motion to approve the use of the County Credit Card for registration at the WV Association of Counties Legislative Conference to be held at the Embassy Suites in Charleston on February 6-9. The costs will include a $235 per person registration fee and a hotel reservation of 129 per night.
Larry Clifton made a motion to authorize the president to sign an agreement with the Division of Administrative Services for the administration of a Curt Security Funds Grant.
A request to assist in the expense of trapping and neutering/spaying of feral cats in the Sutton was tabled pending additional information. The costs are to be shared by the county, town of Sutton and Just One Generation.
The Commission granted permission to apply for the WV Spay & Neuter Assistance Program Grant.
Melvin Gum introduced action to approve an estimate of $859.76 for tires for the Animal Shelter transport vehicle.
The Commission tabled action on a contract with Data Max to collect delinquent county taxes pending additional information.
Following a review, both the County and EMS bills and the Minutes of the Commission’s December 17 meeting were approved as presented.
Being no additional business to discuss, the meeting adjourned at 9:24 a.m. The next regular meeting of the Braxton County Commission will meet on January 21 beginning at 9:00 a.m.