Braxton County Newspapers has a new presence on the world wide web. Publisher Ed Given announced this week that the website has been modernized and the Braxton Democrat-Central will now offer an e-subscription. “We are very excited about our new design and the many new features and additions it affords readers,” Given explained.
The redesign was the work of Tyler Channell and his Paywall Project of Morgantown. “Tyler has worked closely with the West Virginia Press Association and member newspapers to design sites that meet the specific needs associated with the print and digital media,” Given added. Channell now manages seven state newspapers websites as well as those hosted by the West Virginia Press Association.
Current subscribers to the Citizens’ News e-subscription will receive access to the new Democrat-Central site at no additional cost for the balance of their subscription period. New subscribers can take advantage of a 3-day free trial and look over the new website features. The same applies to the new e-subscriptions. In addition, there are also expanded payment options. “The new website is designed to be user friendly. It is also very secure for payment options,” Given added.
“We are working diligently to provide new and different coverage in both newspapers. We hope readers will appreciate this opportunity to get the news that is important to them delivered in a timely fashion. We are experiencing more and more problems with postal delivery and there is little we can do about it. While we realize many of our readers would prefer the print copy, this new addition to our publications offers an alternative.” The Citizens’ News e-subscription will continued to be updated each Tuesday afternoon. The Democrat-Central version will be uploaded on Thursday morning.
Given also commented on the expanded brand name. “When we first began operating a website, we chose the url of Of course, that stood for Braxton Citizens’ New (bcn). While we didn’t plan it that way, (bcn) also stands for Braxton County Newspapers. With our company now owning both newspapers we are pleased that patrons can keep up with all the happenings in Braxton County at or through our print products so we believe the bcn portion of our web address more accurately represents Braxton County Newspapers.”
“We will be adding new features to the website in the coming weeks. We will also be update stories as they develop after the print product is released. We hope to add more pictures of some events beyond what we have space for in our newspapers. As always, we encourage readers to let us know what they think of this new feature to their county newspapers. Email comments or suggestions to: [email protected]